[ubuntu-nz] changing a hard drive

Bruce Kingsbury zcat at zcat.geek.nz
Tue Jan 12 22:41:49 GMT 2010

what I normally do is install the new drive as 'master' and the
existing drive as a slave, boot from a live CD, make new filesystem(s)

then mount the source as /source and the new filesystem as /target and
cp -a /source/* /target

then fix up any UUID's in the new /etc/fstab and /etc/grub/whtever
then reinstall grub using grub-install.

There are probably better solutions.

2010/1/13 Reinhold Pam Muller <papabear- at xtra.co.nz>:
> Hi ho folks
> I am running 8.04 lts as a file server (with 5 other PC's both Win and Linux
> having access to it)
>  and it has a 80 gig hard drive that is now becoming too crowded and needs
> to be replaced with a bigger HD (something like 500 Gig)
> What is the best way to transfer all - yes ALL of the data incl Op system
> and various extra   programs and settings such as grsync and kron ???
> Mount it internally and copy everything???
> Run it as a slave??
> Or do I bite the bullet and use a live CD again and then transfer *doc files
> from the ext back up HD??
> Cheers
> Reinhold
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