[ubuntu-nz] Ubuntu CDs for Education Conference

Steven Vincent - TechnologyWise steven at tw.co.nz
Fri Feb 12 01:56:51 GMT 2010

Hi all

We (TechnologyWise), along with representatives from Catalyst IT and 
Open Systems Specialists, will be running a stand at the upcoming 
Learning at School conference in Rotorua (23-26 Feb) under the banner "Open 
Source Schools".

I'm trying to locate some Ubuntu 9.10 CDs that we can give away to 
interested teachers.

Would anyone have access to some that we can have or buy, or point me in 
the right direction?

Steven Vincent

TechnologyWise Ltd, Tauranga, NZ
steven at tw.co.nz
ph: +64 (0)7 571 1060
fax: +64 (0)7 571 1061

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