[ubuntu-nz] Ubuntu stickers

Haldor Riddering haldor at slingshot.co.nz
Sun Aug 29 20:47:46 BST 2010

On 29/08/2010 5:44 p.m., Steven Vincent - TechnologyWise wrote:
> Hi
> We would like to have Ubuntu stickers to use on PCs/laptops we deploy,
> and also have them give away at various events including an upcoming
> Software Freedom Day event (Tauranga), and our Open Source Schools stand
> at ULearn in October for example.
> Rather than shipping them from the other side of the world, is anyone
> able to help/comment on the following questions/ideas?
> 1. Do we need permission to print our own stickers?
> 2. Does anyone know of a source of existing image files for stickers?
> 3. Is anyone in NZ actively doing this?
> 4. If we were to co-ordinate this, and offer stickers to others around
> NZ, would anyone be interested?

try http://people.ubuntu.com/~leogg/artwork.html for a template
haven;t downloaded it myself, but it's got the artwork there

would be keen to get some though :) even at a small cost.

cheers Haldor

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