[ubuntu-nz] Z8530 SCC

Peter Mallett zl2bau at zl2bau.co.nz
Mon Jan 14 03:07:23 GMT 2008

Hi All,

         I wonder if anyone on the list can help me with a problem I 
have here.

I have daughter board which has two Z8530 controller chips on it, to the 
board is attached four 1200 baud radio modems.

I have all this configured in Ubuntu 7.04 but when I try to use the card 
or it receives data from one of the radio ports, the whole computer 
locks solid and I have to use the power switch to recover from the lockup.

I have tested my hardware and software setup under Slackware 11.0 and 
everything runs as it should and no lockups, the slackware kernel is 
2.4.27-3-386, the ubuntu kernel version is 2.6.20-16-generic.

There are other amateur radio operators using various 2.6 kernels from 
other distro`s but none using Ubuntu.

I hope someone can help with my problem ???????????

Regards ..... Peter

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