[ubuntu-nz] I need Kernal Builders

Matt Brown matt at mattb.net.nz
Sun Apr 22 09:01:43 BST 2007

Hi There,

Can you provide some more detail on what projects you are wanting to
undertake to achieve your goals?

On 4/22/07, michael stone <michaels139 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am After some Kernal builders to work on a project with me the aim is to
> get Ubuntu So easy to use that even a total newbie won't struggle.
> I have tried to get my IT buddys into linux but like most people they are
> way too scared of linux and the terminal so if anyone wants to help me on
> this project that will be great cheers.
> I love Linux.
> --
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Matt Brown
matt at mattb.net.nz
Mob +64 21 611 544 www.mattb.net.nz
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