Welcome to the Ubuntu NZ LoCo list

Jason Taylor killerkiwi2005 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 03:59:01 BST 2006

About that customization for NZ page


On 9/25/06, Craig Box <craig at dubculture.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thanks for subscribing to the mailing list.  I'd like to start by
> introducing myself and telling you about my motivation for being
> involved, and then encourage everyone to introduce themselves also.
> History of Ubuntu NZ
> --------------------
> A LoCo team was originally formed for the lower North Island in May,
> which was changed soon after to be an all-NZ-encompassing team.  Other
> than a couple of interested people joining the IRC channel, nothing
> happened after the initial curiosity period, and for several unfortunate
> reasons, planned resources did not become available.
> With Jono Bacon's recent appointment as Canonical's community manager
> for Ubuntu, one of his goals is "ensuring LoCo teams kick arse" [1]. To
> that end, he is working on a program where more active LoCo teams mentor
> ones that have floundered [2].  There are several ubuntu-au members
> lurking on this list and on IRC to help us out if we need.  I
> volunteered to help kick-re-start activity in NZ and demonstrate that
> once we put our mind to something we're a proactive, self starting
> bunch!
> My personal history with Linux
> ------------------------------
> I was a BBS sysop in the mid-late 90s and, as I'm sure many other people
> on this list can attest to, started using Linux at about the time that
> the BBS community was dying off.  I loved the camaraderie and community
> in the BBS scene and enjoy involvement in this aspect of the Linux world
> most.
> My first distro was Red Hat 6.2; I started running Debian as a
> gateway/server distribution soon afterwards, which was probably Potato.
> I never liked running Debian on the desktop, as it was always a few
> versions of eye-candy behind Red Hat; I tried Gentoo for a while, but I
> ate a hard drive installing it (dev/hdb, not dev/hda, Craig!) and it
> seemed far too much effort required for the reward I got from it. When
> Fedora was released I started using it as a desktop Linux variant at
> home. However, I much preferred the structure, repositories and methods
> of Debian.
> I finished university and started working in 2002, for an IT services
> company in Hamilton.  One of the things we do for our clients is a Linux
> firewall, which was initially purchased from a partner and ran RH7.x.  I
> took development of that in-house, built an automatic installation CD,
> and replaced the distribution on all the machines with Debian Woody.  At
> around the same time I became the founding secretary of Waikato Linux
> Users Group (Inc), a position I still hold today.
> I follow the GNOME project closely, and was interested to hear rumours
> of a project with 'no-name-yet', designed to bring Debian up to date
> with GNOME releases. When the Warty preview was released, I downloaded
> it at work, and was amazed with the "just works" with both our Exchange
> server and network printer.  It wasn't long till I found myself
> replacing my Fedora installation!  "Ubuntu fever" quickly spread through
> WLUG, both due to the community and the technical excellent and was the
> distribution of choice for our 2005 installfest.
> Tired of backporting and waiting for Sarge, I ended up replacing our
> firewall network with Ubuntu Hoary (now Dapper), and now maintain Ubuntu
> as a server OS on both firewall/router/filter machines and hosting
> servers.
> I investigated the possibility of starting a "Linux AU"-esque body in NZ
> last year, and joined the NZOSS council with the goal of promoting
> interaction between user, community and business groups.  I also
> organised WLUG's Software Freedom Day event, which was well attended,
> and gave away ~150 Ubuntu CDs.
> I have a tech-diary-blog at http://craig.dubculture.co.nz/blog.
> (Please don't feel like your introductions, should you choose to make
> one, have to be equally longwinded :)
> The way forward
> ---------------
> As an example, the Australian Team have a number of projects going:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects
> NZ and AU have a very different population density/makeup etc, so I
> wouldn't suggest that everything they do will work here.  One idea I
> have to get things started - I know John McPherson has a script that
> customizes an Ubuntu install for NZ (downloads OO.o dicts etc) so I will
> grab that from him and get it up on the wiki, and we can start a "NZ
> customization for Ubuntu" page.  Other than that, most of the general
> support is covered well by the LUGs and NZLUG, so please have a think
> about what we might do as a meta-group to support and promote Ubuntu in
> NZ.
> Regards
> Craig
> [1] http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=757 - Jono's original post about LoCos
> [2] http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=770 - introducing LoCo mentoring
> --
> ubuntu-nz mailing list
> ubuntu-nz at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-nz
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