[ubuntu-nz] NZ ubuntu websites/teams

Craig Box craig at dubculture.co.nz
Tue Nov 28 20:48:30 GMT 2006

> I must agree that there are many websites out there based in New
> Zealand for those that have linux or are looking at switching to
> linux.  
> I will concer with Laurent that there was at one stage a LoCo website
> at ubuntu-nz.org with a forum etc and i was even then asking
> questions aboput specific areas and i got no responce at all from the
> forum.   

Which is a really good reason not to keep it.  There is nothing more
demoralizing than either posting to a forum and getting no response, or
finding that the only other mention on google for your specific error
message is an unanswered forum post!
> I think personally that while we have the wiki & launchpad pages we
> may yet need a site just for us unless we can get some space or
> something from one of the other linux sites????  

What would be on it?

This is the conundrum - there is no point in duplication of information.
The Ubuntu website/wiki/forums have an excellent set of information on
Ubuntu; if you want stuff relevant directly to NZ, you can look at the New
Zealand Linux Wiki at http://wiki.linux.net.nz/.   I'll update the Ubuntu NZ
page link to the NZLW, but unless we have someone willing to put a lot of
time into editing a web page, I don't think it could add much value on top
of what we have now.


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