[ubuntu-np] Reviving The init Magazine

Jwalanta Shrestha jwalanta at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 17:26:50 BST 2010

Hi all,

Hope you all remember 'The init Magazine' that used to be published by IOE
FOSS Community [http://ioefoss.ioelive.com]. Things went good and altogether
we had 6 issues. But you know, college life is tough and it's hard to
release a quality magazine every month. The publication eventually halted.

So we thought why not bring it to FOSS-Nepal and revive the magazine? The
former team got together and we've decided to get the May 2010 issue out.

We'll be accepting articles (FOSS/Tech related) at
theinitmag[at]gmail[dot]com till 30th April, 2010, 12pm (NPT). The magazine
will be published on 1st May, 2010. I know it's a rush, but never too late.


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