[ubuntu-np] [foss-nepal] Ubuntu Localization
Jwalanta Shrestha
jwalanta at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 04:01:53 BST 2010
how about we also have a ubuntu lucid lynx release party on the same day?
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Jitendra kumar <jitendra.harlalka at gmail.com
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> We have long discussed the idea of localization of Ubuntu in Nepali
> language. OTRC (Open Technologies Resource Center) is currently undertaking
> the task and aims to build a community owned OS. As a means to engage
> everyone interested in this task, OTRC is planning to host a 1 day
> localization camp. I am sure everyone can find a way to contribute. There
> are a host of activities to contribute to the task.
> Please find details at
> http://wiki.fossnepal.org/index.php?title=Ubuntu_Localization.
> Please add yourself to the wiki to participate. As we have resource
> limitations, we can accomodate only 30 participants in the camp (you can
> obviously contribute from other locations) and will require participants to
> bring in their own laptops.
> OTRC will manage logistics for the day. More details will follow as they
> become available.
> - Date: 1 May, 2010 (Tentative)
> - Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
> - Venue: IBM Open Technologies Resource Center, IT Park (Banepa)
> P.S. : How about a meeting on Tuesday 8:00 PM on IRC?
> Regards,
> Jitendra Harlalka
> --
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