ubuntu gtg blog and stunt video

Bikal KC bikal at ubuntu.org.np
Wed May 7 01:15:44 BST 2008

Jwalanta Shrestha wrote:
> hi all,
> for those who couldn't attend the party,
> check out my blog on ubuntu hardy release gtg:
> http://jwalanta.blogspot.com/2008/05/ubuntu-hardy-party.html
> the stunt performed after the program:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvsoWsJVb7w
> (i cant remember how many hours it took to upload the video (phew..), n the
> youtube crap totally spoiled the quality.)


Nice stunt :) It looks like Ankur was also going 
to take the jump but got scared. hahahaha! lolo... 
If you and Bibek can get together and write up a 
summary of the event for inclusion in Full Circle 
magazine issue #13, it'd be great. If you can't 
then it is ok. As Bibek was mentioning that the 
FOSS in Nepal needs exposure, I thought including 
a brief detail in Full Circle would be a great 
start so I had a little conversation with Ronnie 
(editor) and he asked me to forward him a copy of 
a page written about the events (all the details 
were sent 3 days ago to your inbox).

Please, if you intend to write one (10th may is 
the DEADLINE), do CC to the the list as well. 750 
words he said but really no limit if you guys want 
to write more.


  cheers :-)
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