Fwd: A message wrote by a hacker in the Ministry of Foreign affair site

suraj ssapkota at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 22:25:44 BST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rajan kharel <najar_85 at hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:10 AM
Subject: A message wrote by a hacker in the Ministry of Foreign affair site
To: ioebe2061 at googlegroups.com

"First of all thanks for deleting the notice I posted yesterday on the front
page.I hope you might have tried to find where the mistake was and how i
entered the site and put that message on the front page.Of course you made
some changes too.But Is that enough?? I am not a hacker and don't have any
motive to harm the site. Being a nepali it was my duty to inform you guys
about the dangers.So I wrote an email to admin but there were no changes on
the site even after a month. so I had to put that message on the front page.
Please look for all the possible holes and try to avoid my messages ont he
front page. REMEMBER DELETING THE POST IS NOT ENOUGH You may mail me if you
find any dificulty. I will be available for help whenever you ask.

plz click here for details: http://mofa.gov.np/# moreover this site is
developed by yomari.
Be ware of hacker........hehe

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Suraj Sapkota
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