[Ubuntu-NP Team] Hardy Release Party and Logo submission date

Bibek Paudel bibek at ubuntu.org.np
Fri Apr 18 23:11:28 BST 2008

Hi all,

The Ubuntu Nepal Team's IRC meeting on 19/04/08 [0] has decided on the
following things, among other:

1. Hardy release party
    Venue has been finalised - IOE (ZeroEnergy House's hall, no
loadshedding there ;)
    When - 2nd May, 2008, time - 4.00 PM Nepal local time
    Where - IOE
    How -
        Hardy CD/DVD distribution/sales/copy
        Getting ubuntu more usable (mp3, flash, java, etc)
        Wubi DEMO
    Other details to be decided by the members in Kathmandu organizing
the event (Jwalanta, Bibek Shrestha, Suraj Sapkota)

2. Official Logo [1]
    Date finalised for last date of logo submission 30th APRIL, 2008, Wenesday.
    Decision on the logo will be mail through voting in the mailing list(s).

[0] http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np/IRCMeetingAgenda
[1] http://wiki.ubuntu.org.np/UbuntuNepalLogos

Cheers !

Bibek Paudel.

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