apt mirror

Jwalanta Shrestha jwalanta at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 01:03:18 BST 2008

i seriously doubt this. having a apt mirror is a matter of syncing around
30-40gb of data, which changes often too. isps here sell 64kbps in the name
of "broadband". u think they'll provide bandwidth to sync that huge volume
for nothing??

what we can do is have apt-cache or apt-proxy sort of things. instead of
syncing, it'd fetch the packages on demand and store it locally. after that,
within npix bandwidth wont be a problem.


On 4/12/08, Bikal KC <bikal at ubuntu.org.np> wrote:
> Shishir Jha wrote:
> > It would be a better if we could go and talk to few people out there,
> before
> > formally proposing them. I know for a fact that Pawan shakya, Manager
> there,
> > uses ubuntu at his home. so that will be plus point for us. So i think
> > before preparing a proposal, we better talk and see if they are
> interested.
> > So, Ankur, when do you reckon we pay them a visit.
> >
> > Cheers
> Hey Shishir!!! Good to see you put some ideas forward.
> This is a really cool idea.. Let's get this apt
> repo thingy rolling for Nepal!
> --
>   cheers :-)
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