status of
Pasi Lallinaho
pasi at
Sun Dec 1 10:59:01 UTC 2013
On 01/12/13 12:48, Søren Bredlund Caspersen wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Pasi Lallinaho <pasi at> wrote:
>> If we don't mind the additional burden it takes to get files on the host
>> updated via the Canonical IS, I would think them maintaining the domain
>> and the hosting would be the best option, since then we wouldn't need to
>> rely on any team financially (there are better ways to use that money).
>> I can send a request on the IS requst tracker and follow up on it if you
>> think this is a viable option.
> If you know who to contact and how to make it happen, I'm all for it!
What do others think of this? If no objections arise in the following
days, I will assume it's OK for everyone and go ahead.
Andreas, if I do send the request, I will add you as another requestor
so you'll get all the messaging related to the issue and can follow up
with needed information when we're getting closer to the move, if that
happens. (If somebody else specifically want to be notified of messages,
including Søren, just tell me, and I'll add you as CC's for the issue.)
>> Yes, I also made the draft and we probably should look into getting that
>> live well before the 14.04 release.
> I think it looks fine as is. Unless someone has any improvements, I
> say get it live as fast as possible. But that's just me :)
Thanks. I think it's at least "okay" as well. We can always land
improvements later.
>> Cheers,
>> Pasi
>> On 01/12/13 12:27, Søren Bredlund Caspersen wrote:
>>> Hello all
>>> If you like the Danish Team could take over. (I haven't cleard the
>>> offer with the rest of the team, but I think it's cool with the rest
>>> of the Danish team.) We have a server, and a bank-account, so we
>>> should be able to both host, and pay for the domain.
>>> Someone (Pasi?) also had a draft for a nordic frontpage.
>>> Should we bring that live soon?
>>> Chers
>>> Søren
>>> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 8:44 PM, Andreas Olsson <andreas at> wrote:
>>>> Greetings all
>>>> I just renewed the domain for yet another year.
>>>> That reminds me that we at some point probably should find a better
>>>> setup than me personally owning/managing the domain. Not that it in any
>>>> way is a huge obstacle, but figured I'd might as well bring it up now,
>>>> before I forget about it again.
>>>> // Andreas
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