Nordic LoCo Meeting someday 12th of nov, 13th or 14th
Andreas Olsson
andreas at
Mon Nov 5 20:42:27 UTC 2012
mån 2012-11-05 klockan 21:30 +0100 skrev Christoffer Holmstedt:
> So my suggestion is then to have the meeting Wednesday the 14th of
> November at 20:00 - 20:50 CET / 21:00 - 21:50 EET.
> Is it too late? Any objections?
> What do you think we should discuss?
> - Ways of communication (IRC channels/meetings, mailing list, forums, launchpad)
> - What to have on the webpage (
> - What's purpose/goal with the Nordic collaboration?
> - Meeting in real life before next UDS.
That is kind of work hours for me, but I will try to be at least semi
present on the meeting. If nothing else I might be able to shed som
technical light on, etc.
// Andreas
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