Ubuntu Nordic attending conference - input needed

Rubén Romero y Cordero huayra at ubuntu.com
Fri Jul 24 03:57:09 BST 2009

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Søren Bredlund Caspersen <
soeren.b.c at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone.

Hi Søren,

> The Nordic team (loco teams from the Nordic countries) are considering
> attending FSCONS, Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit -
> http://wiki.fscons.org.
> It would be our first joint event, and of course that makes it
> interesting from our perspective. But what can we contribute to a
> conference audience, that must be assumed to know what free software
> is and know how to get and install Ubuntu?

Probably promoting Ubuntu in the server side. A lot of people is using it
already, but maybe putting focus in Ubuntu as the green server platform
could be an approach that can attract the audience.

> In short, we may be looking for ideas that go beyond simply
> distributing CDs at the conference. Any and all ideas for inspiration
> welcome.

Use some promotion material for the idea above. Using the spreadubuntu site
to get input for such material could be an option:

Not much else I can think of really.

In other news I will be going to Copenhagen in august and it would be nice
to have an informal meeting.

There we could lay plans for kickstart the distribution of "powered-by"
stickers in other nordic countries (Denmark for instance) as a first step.

Maybe starting a draft document for Ubuntu Nordic cooperation, sort of a
"business plan" could be an idea as well?

> Cheers
> Søren


Rubén R.
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