vraag over werking/installatie/drivers voor een canon pixma mg4250 printer/scanner

martin.zaalberg op kpnmail.nl martin.zaalberg op kpnmail.nl
Za Okt 9 09:13:27 UTC 2021

Good morning,
I'm new to this forum, so if a make any mistakes wrt using it, please tell me.

My question:
I am using the latest LTS version of ubuntu.It comes with loads of drivers, also for my canon pixma mg4250 printer/scanner. Unfortunately I am experiencing (what I think) is a problem with printing to this printer. The printer has 2 toner cartidges, 1 color, 1 black. I print a lot of normal documents, and my feeling is that it is using only the color cartridge to print. Even when I specify that I only want monochrome prints. As soon as the color cartridge is empty, it does not seem to continue with using the black toner cartridge. When checking the cartrdige levels, the color-one is (nearly) empty, and the black one is not used.

My own diagnosis is, that it is probably a driver issue. So I downloaded a tarbal from the canon support site for this printer. However: I have no clue how to install this tarball from either the synaptic tool, or using the terminal utility (keep getting some mystifying error message wrt to the location and identification of the package.

My questions:
1. is my printer problem a known bug (or a feature)
2. how can I install the tarball?

thanks in advance for any help you can provide me with!

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