Fwd: Using the tag #locoteams when using twitter/identi.ca

jrlmailing jrlmailing op gmail.com
Wo Jun 23 12:33:07 UTC 2010

Sense Hofstede schreef:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Laura Czajkowski <laura op lczajkowski.com>
> Date: 22 June 2010 22:11
> Subject: Using the tag #locoteams when using twitter/identi.ca
> To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts"
> <loco-contacts op lists.ubuntu.com>
> Aloha!!
> So I’ve been pondering and mulling trying to figure out how best to
> interact with LoCo Teams. I’m on IRC and run a screen session so even
> when not there folks leave me a message. It’s handy but I know not
> everyone uses IRC. Then we have a mailing list LoCo contacts list which
> isn’t being used as much as it can be, we’re working on that. Then there
> are the forums, I’ve never been a forums user. Finally we have social
> media Twitter and Identi.ca. So there are lots of ways to share your
> information with one another.
> I thought it might be an idea for teams, members, anyone who wants to
> really to use the tag *#locoteams *If you create a search on what ever
> client you use, then you’ll be able to see what teams are planning,
> discussing, or announcing. This would be a great way to kick start
> discussions and also share information with one another.
> The Ubuntu community is a large international group of very enthusiastic
> and smart people who come up with new and exciting ways of sharing and
> promoting Ubuntu. Why not share that information with more people, use
> the *#locoteams* tag when you tweet and tell people about the work you
> are doing or just to get ideas flowing, maybe you’re stuck and want to
> bounce ideas off one another.
> I am on twitter and identi.ca @czajkowski and do post a lot on Ubuntu,
> but I will as will other *LoCo Council* members be using the
> *#locoteams* tag where we can.

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