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Jan Claeys ubuntu op
Do Jun 21 10:21:33 UTC 2007

Op dinsdag 19-06-2007 om 13:42 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Patrick
> Je hebt gelijk, tis maar voor '95%' opensource. Enkele onderdelen zijn
> dat niet.
> "After several years of intensive development, VirtualBox was released
> as Open Source in January 2007. InnoTek has chosen to release its
> VirtualBox source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL)."
> "The following list shows the enterprise features that are only
> present in the closed-source edition. Note that this list may change
> over time as some of these features will eventually be made available
> with the open-source version as well. Remote Display Protocol (RDP)
> Server, USB support, USB over RDP, Shared Folders, iSCSI
> initiator...".

Klopt, maar hoeveel mensen hebben die dingen ook nodig?

Er is natuurlijk ook altijd Qemu (die nu volledig open source is,
inclusief kernel module).

Jan Claeys

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