[Fwd: [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25]
Jeroen van de Nieuwenhof
lists op vandenieuwenhof.nl
Wo Feb 14 21:41:36 UTC 2007
Hoi Jan,
Ik ben van plan om op zaterdag te komen en wil graag meehelpen op de stand.
Ik heb weinig Ubuntu-materiaal, maar wel een pc AMD 1800+ die we voor
clean installs kunnen inzetten. Het is mager, maargoed.
Jan Claeys schreef:
> Ik weet dat er hier ook geïnteresseerden waren om mee te werken... :)
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Jan Claeys <ubuntu op janc.be>
> Reply-To: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com>
> To: ubuntu-be <ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
> Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 20:59:55 +0100
> We need to prepare something for the booth at FOSDEM on February
> 24th/25th.
> Which means there are some things that have to be prepared...
> (Yes, I know I'm late... :-/ )
> 1.
> Of course we can just put a PC with Ubuntu there, hand out flyers, and
> answer people's questions. We can also show something special, if
> someone has a good idea and maybe can help to set it up. Hardware used
> will be insured, provided I send a list of it before next Monday (will
> need name + e-mail + type/vendor/model + serial no. + current value).
> Keep in mind that we only have a 2 meter booth though!
> (BTW: could someone provide hardware that we can do a clean install on?)
> 2.
> Booth presence: who will be at the booth at which time? It would be
> nice to know when people will be available. Please let me know if you
> already know when you will (not) be available. (Even if it's not
> "final" yet.)
> I took two days of from work on Friday 23th & Monday 26th, to be able to
> pick up stuff & bring it back, or to help install/test if someone has a
> good idea for a "special" as mentioned above.
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