[Fwd: [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25]
Jan Claeys
ubuntu op janc.be
Wo Feb 14 20:05:06 UTC 2007
Ik weet dat er hier ook geïnteresseerden waren om mee te werken... :)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Jan Claeys <ubuntu op janc.be>
Reply-To: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-be <ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM on February 24/25
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 20:59:55 +0100
We need to prepare something for the booth at FOSDEM on February
Which means there are some things that have to be prepared...
(Yes, I know I'm late... :-/ )
Of course we can just put a PC with Ubuntu there, hand out flyers, and
answer people's questions. We can also show something special, if
someone has a good idea and maybe can help to set it up. Hardware used
will be insured, provided I send a list of it before next Monday (will
need name + e-mail + type/vendor/model + serial no. + current value).
Keep in mind that we only have a 2 meter booth though!
(BTW: could someone provide hardware that we can do a clean install on?)
Booth presence: who will be at the booth at which time? It would be
nice to know when people will be available. Please let me know if you
already know when you will (not) be available. (Even if it's not
"final" yet.)
I took two days of from work on Friday 23th & Monday 26th, to be able to
pick up stuff & bring it back, or to help install/test if someone has a
good idea for a "special" as mentioned above.
Jan Claeys
Jan Claeys
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