Fwd: ubuntu 6.10 CDs

Guido Loupias guidoloupias op gmail.com
Vr Okt 27 17:06:43 UTC 2006

Je kunt wel bestellen tegen een prijs:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maikel Steneker <maikel.steneker op gmail.com>
Date: 27-okt-2006 18:58
Subject: ubuntu 6.10 CDs
To: ubuntu-nl op lists.ubuntu.com

Hallo allemaal!

Een tijdje geleden las ik dat Canonical voor Ubuntu 6.10 geen gratis CDs
gaat versturen. Ik las dit net weer in dit stukje:

> Shipit plans announced
> Canonical COO Jane Silber has announced the plan for ShipIt<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ShipIt>,
> once Edgy has been released. The current plan is to continue to ship Ubuntu
> 6.06 LTS, due to it being a long supported release, while Ubuntu 6.10(Edgy Eft) will be available for download only. Approved
> LoCo <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCo> teams can request 6.10, however, and
> will be sent out a large bundle of CDs to distribute, as well as
> distributors that can further spread the Ubuntu message. Also, in order to
> help keep ShipIt <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ShipIt> running, Jane has
> announced that anyone wanting to purchase large numbers from ShipIt
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ShipIt> may do so, at EUR 1.50/CD in a minimum
> order size of about 100. If you or your company would like to help
> distribute large quantities of Ubuntu CDs, contact [image: [MAILTO]]Christina.Armstrong op canonical.com<Christina.Armstrong op canonical.com>directly.

Mijn vraag: is het mogelijk om Ubuntu 6.10 CDs (van canonical) ergens te
bestellen (al dan niet gratis)?

Alvast bedankt voor de hulp!

Maikel Steneker

They say when you play that Microsoft CD backward you can hear satanic
messages ... but that's nothing. If you play it forward it will install
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