[Fwd: Ubuntu-be Meeting at FOSDEM]

Jan Claeys ubuntu op janc.be
Za Feb 18 15:09:22 UTC 2006


Ik heb Lionel "ploum" Dricot beloofd een beetje reclame in de Vlaamse
linux-gemeenschap te maken voor een korte samenkomst komende zaterdag
tijdens FOSDEM van de mensen in België die iets voor Ubuntu willen doen
(Ubuntu promoten, CDs verdelen, contact met de pers, release parties
organiseren, beginners op weg helpen, ...?).

Wie geïnteresseerd is mag ook z'n naam bij op de lijst op de wiki zetten
(zie hieronder het originele bericht).

-------Doorgestuurd bericht-------
Van: Lionel Dricot <ploum op ubuntu.com>
Onderwerp: Ubuntu-be Meeting at FOSDEM
Datum: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 21:34:50 +0100 (CET)

Dear belgian Ubunteros,

For some time now, a few belgian people are thinking about creating an
Ubuntu-be Team. ( see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam )

We will have the first Ubuntu-be meeting :

Saturday 25th february, at 14h  (2PM)
Room H3227 or H3228

See http://fosdem.org to come

As this room is on the first floor and is non available for the public,
the meeting point is at 14h down the stairs just next the hacker-room (and
the WC).

During this meeting, we will discuss the following points :

- What are the goals of Ubuntu-be
- What will we do in the near future ?
- Who will do it ?

We will keep this meeting as short as possible so you can attend some
interesting talks. Perhaps we will spend more friendly (read "beer") time
together saturday night ?

I'm looking forward to see you all next saturday !


PS : I'm shameless. I wrote this mail in english so I don't have to make a
french and a dutch translation ;-)  Saturday, I will try to speak in
Dutch, it will be a good exercice for me and a good laugh for you.

PPS : please follow this information to anyone who would be interested in.

Jan Claeys

Meer informatie over de Ubuntu-NL maillijst