[Ubuntu-ni] Fwd: An Invitation to join the Ubuntu Global Jam
Rodrigo Rodriguez
roirobo en ubuntu.org.ni
Mar Ago 16 19:59:44 UTC 2011
Qué onda? Vamos a hacer algo para el UGJ?
2011/8/16 Adolfo Fitoria <adolfo.fitoria en gmail.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Randall Ross <randall en executiv.es>
> Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:24 AM
> Subject: An Invitation to join the Ubuntu Global Jam
> To: Randall Ross <randall en executiv.es>
> Hi Ubuntu LoCo Contacts!
> Our Ubuntu Global Jam is coming up soon, on September 2-4th, 2011.
> We have a goal to have over 100 events registered as part of this Jam.
> This is the best chance we have to make Ubuntu even better, stronger,
> and faster!
> As a team contact or leader I am really hoping that you will help us
> out. A Global Jam event does not need to be complicated. Just create
> an excuse for some Ubuntu people in your community to get together and
> do something fun, interesting, or useful. The main goal is to enjoy
> Ubuntu together.
> Please register an event today. Here's the place to do it:
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1011/detail/
> If you can't register an event in your area, please forward this
> message to someone who can.
> And, if you've already tried that, and still cannot get an event going
> in your area, please consider helping us spread the word about Ubuntu
> Global Jam by blogging about it on Ubuntu Planet, or by Tweeting,
> Denting, posting on your Facebook wall, Google +, your blog, or
> anywhere that helps others discover the event. (Some examples of
> publicity are here.)
> If you have any questions at all, or need suggestions for an event,
> please do not hesitate to ask. I'm here to help make your Ubuntu
> Global Jam experience the best it can be.
> Thanks!
> Randall Ross
> Ubuntu Global Jam
> (Oneiric Ocelot Edition)
> --
> Other ways to reach me:
> chat : rrnwexec en jabber.org
> sms : +16047713076
> http://randall.executiv.es/
> --
> Adolfo Fitoria
> http://fitoria.net
> --
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Rodrigo Isaac Rodríguez Borge*
Nòmada: el artista de la multitud
Linux user # 471524 | Ubuntu user # 23047
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