[Ubuntu-ni] [SFD-NI] Vamos por más victorias :)
Adolfo Fitoria
adolfo.fitoria en gmail.com
Mie Nov 26 02:21:43 GMT 2008
YEAH!!!!!! Felicidades a todos y todas los que
trabajaron/diseñaron/programaron/instalaron/jugaron y a los que
llegaron ese dia!!!
2008/11/25 Leandro Gómez <leo.telsen en gmail.com>:
> Me complace anunciarles que el evento SFD Nicaragua fue escogido -por
> segundo año consecutivo- como el mejor evento del año!!!
> Felicidades a toda la comunidad!!! Nos lo merecemos!!!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Robert Schumann <robert en softwarefreedomday.org>
> Date: 25-nov-2008 18:12
> Subject: [SFD-discuss] SFD 2008 - competition winners!
> To: SFD announcements <sfd-announce en sf-day.org>, Open discussions about SFD
> <sfd-discuss en sf-day.org>
> ****Dear SFD'ers,
> Following a highly successful SFD 2008 - with 50% more teams registered than
> in 2007 - we are pleased to announce the winners of the competition for the
> best event:
> - FOSS Nepal Community (team leader Subir Pradhanang) - team report PDF
> 7.4MB<http://softwarefreedomday.org/Competition2008?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=FOSS_Nepal_SFD_08_report.pdf>
> - SFD Nicaragua (team leader Leandro Gomez) - team report
> 1.6MB<http://softwarefreedomday.org/Competition2008?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=sfdnicaragua2008report.pdf>
> - DabaweGNU (team leader Holden Hao) - team
> report<http://www.dabawegnu.org/Members/holden/software-freedom-day-2008>
> Congratulations to these teams, and many thanks to Subir, Leandro and Holden
> for leading their events and telling the world about their how it went!
> Each winning team will be receiving a prize of a *pair of OLPC
> laptops*<http://laptop.org/>
> .
> The winning entries were selected for the scope of their SFD activities, the
> number of people reached (particularly from the wider, non-technical
> community) and the quality of the reporting. However we received many high
> quality entries - a total of almost fifty submissions - and special mention
> also goes to:
> - Guyana (team leader Vidyaratha Kissoon) - team
> report<http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/centralandsouthamerica/guyana>
> - Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society (Dev Anand Teelucksingh) - team
> report <http://www.ttcsweb.org/articles/sfd2008/index.htm>
> - freeIT (team leader Mylene Sereno) - team
> report<http://mylenesereno.blogspot.com/2008/09/software-freedomday-08-gensan.html>
> Thank you to all teams (over 500 teams in almost 90 countries) for their
> efforts in making SFD 2008 such a great success, and don't forget to put
> Saturday 19 Septermber 2009 in your calendars! To make sure you don't miss
> out on registration, make sure that you are subscribed to the SFD-announce
> mailing list <http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-announce>.
> Robert Schumann
> *Vice President, Software Freedom International*
> _______________________________________________
> SFD-discuss mailing list
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> http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss
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Adolfo Fitoria
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