[Ubuntu-ni] Ayuda configuracion de servidor DNS con Bind9
Marconi Poveda
marconipoveda84 en gmail.com
Mar Mayo 29 22:49:35 BST 2007
proba con tinydns
2007/5/29, Bayardo Sánchez García <bayardo.sanchez en isi.edu.ni>:
> estoy configurando mi servidor dns pero al reiniciar me da este error:
> root en servisi:/etc/bind# /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
> * Stopping domain name service... bind
> rndc: connection to remote host closed
> This may indicate that the remote server is using an older version of
> the command protocol, this host is not authorized to connect,
> or the key is invalid.
> [fail]
> * Starting domain name service... bind
> [fail]
> root en servisi:/etc/bind#
> alguien que me pueda dar un consejo?
> --
> Bayardo Sánchez García
> Web Developer - Internet Portals
> Linux User: #418392
> Ubuntu User #14171
> Instituto de Informática y Sistemas - (505) 250-6803
> North America - Charlotte, NC (704) 582-3781
> IM msn messenger: bjsanchezg en hotmail.com
> --
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Marconi A. Poveda Chacón.
Managua, Nicaragua.
Móvil (505) - 6305290
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