[Ubuntu-ni] [Importante] Miembros oficiales de Ubuntu-NI
Cecilia Reyes M
lafieramarina en yahoo.com
Sab Jun 16 00:31:25 BST 2007
Hola guapetones, que honor. gracias.
Yo fijate que quise hacer el rollo de la firma y bien, resulta q por mas que le doy gpg < /dev/null no me crea el famoso .conf
Me pregunto si no habra falla que alguien me pase ese archivito y seguir con el proceso?
----- Original Message ----
From: Leo Gomez <leo.telsen at gmail.com>
To: Lista de correos del Grupo Ubuntu Nicaragua. <ubuntu-ni at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 4:10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-ni] [Importante] Miembros oficiales de Ubuntu-NI
Felicidades a todos los nuevos miembros oficiales de Ubuntu-ni... ¡Bienvenidos a bordo!
2007/6/15, Carlos Ortiz Gutierrez <cortizg at gmail.com>:
Estoy agradecido por la oportunidad que me dan de participar en este desafio, estoy a su completa disposición, aqui esta mi CDC Firmado,
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= Ubuntu Code of Conduct =
This Code of Conduct covers your behaviour as a member of the Ubuntu
Community, in any forum, mailing list, wiki, web site, IRC channel,
install-fest, public meeting or private correspondence. The Ubuntu
Community Council will arbitrate in any dispute over the conduct of a
member of the community.
'''Be considerate.''' Your work will be used by other people,
and you in turn will depend on the work of others. Any decision
you take will affect users and colleagues, and we expect you to
take those consequences into account when making decisions. For
example, when we are in a feature freeze, please don't upload
dramatically new versions of critical system software, as other
people will be testing the frozen system and will not be
expecting big changes.
'''Be respectful.''' The Ubuntu community and its members treat
one another with respect. Everyone can make a valuable
contribution to Ubuntu. We may not always agree, but
disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor
manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then,
but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal
attack. It's important to remember that a community where people
feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We
expect members of the Ubuntu community to be respectful when
dealing with other contributors as well as with people outside
the Ubuntu project and with users of Ubuntu.
'''Be collaborative.''' Ubuntu and Free Software are about
collaboration and working together. Collaboration reduces
redundancy of work done in the Free Software world, and improves
the quality of the software produced. You should aim to
collaborate with other Ubuntu maintainers, as well as with the
upstream community that is interested in the work you do. Your
work should be done transparently and patches from Ubuntu should
be given back to the community when they are made, not just when
the distribution releases. If you wish to work on new code for
existing upstream projects, at least keep those projects
informed of your ideas and progress. It may not be possible to
get consensus from upstream or even from your colleagues about
the correct implementation of an idea, so don't feel obliged to
have that agreement before you begin, but at least keep the
outside world informed of your work, and publish your work in a
way that allows outsiders to test, discuss and contribute to
your efforts.
'''When you disagree,''' consult others. Disagreements, both
political and technical, happen all the time and the Ubuntu
community is no exception. The important goal is not to avoid
disagreements or differing views but to resolve them
constructively. You should turn to the community and to the
community process to seek advice and to resolve
disagreements. We have the Technical Board and the Community
Council, both of which will help to decide the right course for
Ubuntu. There are also several Project Teams and Team Leaders,
who may be able to help you figure out which direction will be
most acceptable. If you really want to go a different way, then
we encourage you to make a derivative distribution or
alternative set of packages available using the Ubuntu Package
Management framework, so that the community can try out your
changes and ideas for itself and contribute to the discussion.
'''When you are unsure,''' ask for help. Nobody knows
everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the Ubuntu
community (except of course the SABDFL). Asking questions avoids
many problems down the road, and so questions are
encouraged. Those who are asked should be responsive and
helpful. However, when asking a question, care must be taken to
do so in an appropriate forum. Off-topic questions, such as
requests for help on a development mailing list, detract from
productive discussion.
'''Step down considerately.''' Developers on every project come
and go and Ubuntu is no different. When you leave or disengage
from the project, in whole or in part, we ask that you do so in
a way that minimises disruption to the project. This means you
should tell people you are leaving and take the proper steps to
ensure that others can pick up where you leave off.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
El día 14/06/07, Igor Guerrero <
igfgt1 at gmail.com> escribió:
Hola lista:
Hoy se reunió el CC de Ubuntu-NI con la intención de terminar de organizar el grupo como tal, con el objetivo de crear mas participacion, efectivibidad e inclusión de los miembros de nuestro grupo.
Se establecieron pasos importantes para obtener membresía a ubuntu-ni, los cuales tendrán sus beneficios, se aprobó el borrador y en los próximos días sera abierto al publico(osea la lista y la wiki).
En esta reunión el CC probicional, eligió lo siguiente:
Miembros Oficiales(IRC nick o Nombre):
eos87, canche_x, ledanaf, Rafael Marquez, glock, Javier, matux, angeltronix, debian, @lex, antorcha, lafieramarinam, Agustin
* Leandro Gómez (team contact/coordinador)
* Igor Guerrero Fonseca (Launchpad admin/Proyecto distro)
* Jeronimo Martinez Sanchez (IRC admin/Proyecto distro)
* José Ernesto Dávila Pantoja (responsable de Marketing)
* Marconi Poveda (proyecto Web)
* Norman García (proyecto Educacion)
Animamos a los miembros oficiales a que se unan a algún proyecto, esta puede ser la mejor manera de llegar a ser parte del CC y tener palabra en las decisiones mas importantes.
Las elecciones de los nuevos miembros del CC serán en las reuniones del CC(como es de esperarse) los candidatos pueden adjuntarse a los temas de la reunión que serán anunciadas por la lista de correos. Hay dos maneras de unirse al CC:
1. Por candidatura propia
2. Por decisión del mismo CC(y aprobacion del miembro en cuestion)
Nota importante: Todos los miembros oficiales de Ubuntu-NI deben de firmar el código de conducta[1](ser ubunteros) con fecha limite hasta el 1ro de Julio de 2007.
Sin mas nada que informar, me despido y felicitaciones de parte del CC a todos los miembros electos.
:::lxuser 391715:::
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