Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 223

Nathan Handler nhandler at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 12 03:45:17 UTC 2011

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #223 for June 27 - July 10, 2011.

== Links to UWN ==

 * Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue223

== In This Issue ==

 * Unity Progress Report - Irish Edition
 * Ubuntu 11.10 Development update
 * Oneiric Ocelot Alpha 2 Released
 * Ubuntu Stats
 * LoCo Directory: Now with default team time zones!
 * Free Official Ubuntu Book For Approved LoCo Teams
 * New Forum Council Members
 * Get excited and make things! - Wallpaper edition!
 * Ubuntu Slogan?
 * Ubuntu One Files for Android released!
 * Munich To Migrate 15,000 PCs To Ubuntu
 * Featured Podcasts
 * Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings
 * Upcoming Meetings and Events
 * Updates and Security for 8.04, 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04
 * And much more!

== General Community News ==

=== Unity Progress Report - Irish Edition ===

Jorge Castro gives us a Unity progress report and talks about their
sprint in Ireland in this ubuntu-news.org article.

For more information visit:

=== Ubuntu 11.10 Development update ===

In this post on ubuntu-news.org, Daniel Holbach gives an Ubuntu
development update which includes where to look for updates on the
upcoming 11.10 release, a "shout-out" to new contributor Sebastian
Carneiro from Argentina, and also ways to get invovled with Ubuntu

More information can be found at:

Also check out the report from the week before:

=== Oneiric Ocelot Alpha 2 Released ===

Thu July 7th at 15:54:54 UTC, Kate Stewart (on behalf of the Ubuntu
release team) announced the release of Oneiric Ocelot Alpha 2.

For more information see:

=== Get ready for Ubuntu Developer Week ===

Get ready for [[UbuntuDeveloperWeek|Ubuntu Developer Week]] from
Monday, 11th July to Friday, 15th July. We will have one full week of
online IRC sessions which will introduce you to Ubuntu Development and
hacking on Ubuntu-related projects. Sometimes these sessions will take
the form of Q&A sessions, sometimes as presentations and sometimes
hands-on workshops.

Here?s the links for the impatient:

 * How to join in: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/JoiningIn
 * Timetable of the sessions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek
 * Facebook event:

More here: http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/07/04/get-ready-for-ubuntu-developer-week-2/

== Ubuntu Stats ==

=== Bug Stats ===

    * Open (90465) -6731 over last week
    * Critical (155) -22 over last week
    * Unconfirmed (48384) -1046 over last issue

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started,
please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad

=== Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week ===

 * There appears to be no way of modifying the pointer -
 * Adding description for "Apps Available for Download" in unity
Programs launcher - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/28234/
 * Linked notifications - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/28227/
 * First Console tty1 should have more priority for debug -
 * Unity Side-bar Scrolling is Too Slow -

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add
your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or
against another idea. http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/

=== Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week ===

 * Can I open Microsoft Word and Excel files? -
 * Is it possible to install a .deb from a URL? -
 * How to use Skype? - http://askubuntu.com/questions/51991/how-to-use-skype
 * What is the difference between Ubuntu and Debian server? -
 * What is apt-fast and should I use it? -

Ask (and answer!) your own questions at http://askubuntu.com

== LoCo News ==

=== Vancouver's Natty U-Party! (Parts 2-5) ===

Randall Ross has been doing a series of posts about Ubuntu Vancouver's
U-Party "A Celebration of Ubuntu and Unity", held on June 17th 2011.
Parts 2-5 are the latest!

 * http://randall.executiv.es/uparty-n-2
 * http://randall.executiv.es/uparty-n-3
 * http://randall.executiv.es/uparty-n-4
 * http://randall.executiv.es/uparty-n-5

=== LoCo Directory: Now with default team time zones! ===

Time zones have always been a tricky problem for the LoCo Directory
developers to reconcile, this article discusses how they've solved
this for event and meeting planning and other new features in the
0.3.3 and 0.3.4 release of the LoCo Directory.

More information can be found at: http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=4596

=== Inner City Boston Ubuntu Hour 2 ===

Martin Owens discusses the second inner city Boston Ubuntu Hour and
how it's evolved into something more than just an hour of coffee and
Ubuntu discussion.

More information can be found at:

=== Free Official Ubuntu Book For Approved LoCo Teams ===

Prentice Hall is offering a free copy of the recently published
Official Ubuntu Book to approved LoCo teams. Jono Bacon explains the
steps involved in how your team can request a copy.

More information can be found at:

== Launchpad News ==

=== Launchpad read-only 08.00 UTC 13th July 2011 ===

Quick note from the Launchpad team about upcoming downtime.

More information can be found at:

=== Interview: Huw Wilkins on Launchpad?s UI ===

Huw Wilkins is "Launchpad?s UI guy" and he was interviewed about his
current work and upcoming changes to Launchpad's UI. The audio
interview can be downloaded as an ogg file.

More information can be found at:

== Ubuntu Forums News ==

=== New Forum Council Members ===

The previous members of the Forum Council have been reappointed and
three new members have been appointed: s-fox, Artificial Intelligence
and Iowan

More information can be found at:

== The Planet ==

=== Canonical Design Team: Get excited and make things! - Wallpaper edition! ===

Matt Jones of BERG fame came up with a response to the "keep calm and
carry on" posters from the Second World War. The response is the "Get
Excited and Make Things" poster mentioned in this article by Iain
Farrell at design.canonical.com. This article opens up the wallpaper
submissions process for the next release of Ubuntu (Oneiric Ocelot)
with this poster and slogan in mind.

Information on submissions available at:

=== Paolo Sammicheli: Ubuntu Opportunistic Programming @Europython:
The slides ===

Paolo Sammicheli shares links to his slides and a video from his talk
on Ubuntu and the Opportunistic Programming at Europython.

Links can be found at:

=== Charlene Tessier: Ubuntu Slogan? ===

In this blogpost at frenchfortunecookie.wordpress.com, the search
begins for a one sentence slogan or catch phrase to help a new user
understand and become interested in Ubuntu is explored in depth.

More information can be found at:

=== Ubuntu Cloud Portal: Ensemble Dublin sprint update ===

At cloud.ubuntu.com, Ahmed Kamal posts an overview of the happenings
in the Ensemble space during the recent Ensemble team sprint in
Dublin, Ireland.

More information can be found at:

=== Ara Pulido: Ubuntu Friendly Process ===

Over at arapulido.com, Ara Pulido gives us an update on the process
that the current members of the Ubuntu Friendly Control are working
on. This process helps define what it means for hardware to be Ubuntu

More information can be found at:

=== Canonical Design Team: Ubuntu Billboards: Design on a Grand Scale ===

In this article, official branding is discussed after spotting a
billboard "in the wild" which guides viewers to ?Come visit Canonical
and learn more about Ubuntu? in Portuguese.

More information can be found at:

=== Daniel Holbach: Looking for feedback: Sponsorship Process ===

Daniel Holbach's blog asks for your comments as a contributor or as a
reviewer on the state of the Ubuntu sponsorship process.

More information can be found at:  http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=1031

=== Thorsten Wilms: Ubuntu Friendly Logo 6 ===

Thorsten Wilms, a freelance designer, shares a logo/sticker design for
"Ubuntu Friendly". For more information on Ubuntu Friendly see

Check the logo out here:

=== Daniel Holbach: Need help: video + screencast + chat ===

Daniel Holbach discusses the pros of using ustream.tv for
screencasting. Here at Daniel's blogpost he asks for some help on how
to solve some of the cons.

More information can be found at: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=1034

=== Martin Albisetti: Ubuntu One Files for Android released! ===

Over at Martin Albisetti's blog, the release of an Ubuntu One app for
Andriod is announced. Martin Albisetti is the tech lead for the Ubuntu
One web+mobile team.

More information can be found at: http://beuno.com.ar/archives/254

=== Canonical Design Team: What?s round and sticky and how you can
make some! ===

At design.canonical.com author Iain Farrell shares with us how to use
the PNGs from design.canonical.com/brand to make nifty little round
stickers at MOO.com.

More information can be found at:

Interested in how they turned out? Check out the follow-up post here:

== In The Press ==

=== Linux 2.6.38 power problems confirmed, but workaround appears ===

In this DesktopLinux.com article Phoronix.com team has identified the
source of Linux power regression problems in Linux 2.6.38. This
problem has been known to reduce battery life in Ubuntu 11.04 and
Fedora 15. Phronix has found and published a workaround.

More information on this workaround can be found here

=== Surprising Power Consumption Of Ubuntu 11.04 vs. Windows 7 ===

>From Phronix.com, this informative article shares a comparision of the
power management of Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows 7 Professional Service
Pack 1.

View the full comparison:

=== Munich To Migrate 15,000 PCs To Ubuntu ===

Swapnil Bhartiya reports at Muktware.com that in Germany, the city of
Munich aims to migrate 80 percent of the city's fifteen thousand
administration PCs to Ubuntu Linux.

More information can be found at: http://www.muktware.com/news/28/2011/1578

== In The Blogosphere ==

=== "living" solo bass - made with Ubuntu Studio ===

On musician/composer Mike Holstein's blog, he shares information about
a solo acoustic bass recording called 'living' that was produced
entirely using Ubuntu.

More information can be found at:

== In Other News ==

=== Adobe's Vanishing Linux Air Support: Personal or Strictly Business? ===

Linux support for Adobe Air was dropped. Visit this linuxinsider.com
article for the reasons why.

More information can be found at:

=== Linux IT to underwrite open-source adoption ===

LinuxIT (Europe) Ltd, a Blended Systems Integrator, aims to kick-start
community-based open-source software adoption among UK enterprises.
The integrator is offering to underwrite any community-based
open-source software that meets the requirements of its verification

More information can be found at:

=== Ten Linux apps that need to raise their game ===

Jack Wallen of TechRepublic shares this opinion about the awkwardness
of several applications in an effort to help developers identify ways
to gear the overall functionality towards user friendliness.

See the complete list:

== Featured Podcasts ==

=== Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S04E10 ? Sun and Steel ===

Mark Johnson, Alan Pope, Tony Whitmore and guest presenter Andy Piper
are back once more, pre-recorded in Studio A for episode 10 of season
4 of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team!

In this week?s show:

 * We talk about what we?ve been doing including playing Proun (the
pay what you like game [which runs under WINE on Ubuntu]), Freecycling
old kit, reflecting on OggCamp, upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04, making apps
stick to the Unity launcher for Laura?s Mum, helping out with curating
a list of Android Honeycomb apps on the Xoom Forums and attending an
a11y hackday run by DevCSI.
 * We review the HP MicroServer (Mark?s also written some blog posts about it)
 * In the news
 * Events
 * We have an interview with Gemma Cameron by Les Pounder about
BarCamp Blackpool and Nottingham. Thanks to Les for providing this
content for us!
 * We remind you about the competition to win an audio book from
TextBookStuff. Entries to competition at ubuntu-uk.org by Sunday 17th
 * We have a Bit About Ubuntu
 * And we have some Command Line Love
 * Finally we have your feedback.

Further details and download links can be found at:

=== Lococast.net Episode 18 - Passwords, hashes, and Google+ oh my! ===

Join Rick Harding and Craig Maloney as they debate, dissect, and
dismantle the current tech issues of the day on the latest Lococast

In this podcast:

 * Intro
 * Events
  * PyOhio: July 30,31
  * Ohio Linuxfest: Sept 9,10,11
  * Ubuntu Global Jam: Sept 2,3,4
 * Securing user's passwords in applications
  * Instapaper - FBI had their servers
  * bcrypt
  * scrypt ticket
  * GPUs Discussion
 * Bookie status report
  * Hosted Bookie
  * Weekly Status Reports
  * Twitter: BookieBmarks
 * Google+
 * Books
  * Craig: The Python Standard Library
  * Rick: Start Small, Stay Small, Hands on Node.js, iWoz

Download or listen here: http://lococast.net/archives/503

== Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings ==

 * Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting Minutes from June 30th, 2011 -
 * Ubuntu Release Team Meeting Minutes for July 1st, 2011 -
 * Ubuntu Desktop Team Meeting Minutes for July 5th, 2011 -
 * Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes for July 5th, 2011 -
 * Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting Minutes from July 7th, 2011
 * Ubuntu Server Team Meeting Minutes for July 7th, 2011 -
 * Ubuntu Release Team Meeting Minutes for July 8th, 2011 -

== Upcoming Meetings and Events ==

For upcoming meetings and events please visit the calendars at
ubuntu-news.org: http://ubuntu-news.org/calendars/

== Updates and Security for 8.04, 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04 ==

=== Security Updates ===

 * [USN-1160-1] Linux kernel vulnerabilities -
 * [USN-1149-2] Firefox regression -
 * [USN-1163-1] Bind vulnerability -
 * [USN-1164-1] Linux kernel vulnerabilities (i.MX51) -
 * [USN-1165-1] QEMU vulnerabilities -

=== Ubuntu 8.04 Updates ===

 * bind9 1:9.4.2.dfsg.P2-2ubuntu0.8 -

=== Ubuntu 10.04 Updates ===

 * multipath-tools 0.4.8-14ubuntu4.10.04.1      -
 * adobe-flashplugin -
 * pkgsel 0.25ubuntu7.1 -
 * flashplugin-nonfree-
 * parted 2.2-5ubuntu5.2 -
 * ia32-libs 2.7ubuntu26.2 -
 * commons-csv 0.1-SNAPSHOT+svn678580-1ubuntu0.1        -
 * evolution 2.28.3-0ubuntu10.3 -
 * checkbox 0.9.2 -
 * qemu-kvm 0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.10 -
 * bind9_9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3_armel_translations.tar.gz-
 * nuxeo-dm -
 * qemu-kvm 0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.12 -
 * jabberd2 2.2.8-2ubuntu4. -
 * python-apt -
 * dbconfig-common 1.8.44ubuntu1.1 -
 * qemu-kvm 0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.13 -
 * ldm 2:2.1.1-0ubuntu2.1 -
 * ubiquity 2.2.26 -

=== Ubuntu 10.10 Updates ===

 * multipath-tools 0.4.8-14ubuntu4.10.10.1      -
 * adobe-flashplugin -
 * flashplugin-nonfree-
 * initramfs-tools 0.98.1ubuntu6.1 -
 * qemu-kvm 0.12.5+noroms-0ubuntu7.6 -
 * bind9_9.7.1.dfsg.P2-2ubuntu0.4_amd64_translations.tar.gz -
 * qemu-kvm 0.12.5+noroms-0ubuntu7.8 -
 * oprofile 0.9.6-1.1ubuntu1.1 -
 * jabberd2 2.2.8-2ubuntu4. -

=== Ubuntu 11.04 Updates ===

 * bzr-builddeb 2.7.3ubuntu1 -
 * banshee 2.0.0-2ubuntu2 -
 * clipit 1.3.12-1ubuntu1.1 -
 * adobe-flashplugin -
 * dpkg 1.16.0~ubuntu7.1 -
 * g15daemon -
 * flashplugin-nonfree-
 * xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.14.0-0ubuntu4.1   -
 * soprano 2.5.63+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1.1 -
 * nautilus-sendto 2.32.0-0ubuntu1.1 -
 * banshee 2.0.1-1ubuntu1~natty2 -
 * bind9_9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.2_i386_translations.tar.gz-
 * qemu-kvm 0.14.0+noroms-0ubuntu4.3 -
 * oprofile 0.9.6-1.1ubuntu2.1 -
 * jabberd2 2.2.8-2ubuntu4.1 -
 * pyabiword 0.8.0-6build2 -

== UWN Translations ==

 * Note to translators and our readers please follow the link below
for the information you need.


== Subscribe ==

Get your copy of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter delivered each week to
you via email at:

== Archives ==

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

== Additional Ubuntu News ==

As always you can find more news and announcements at:




== Conclusion ==

Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!

== Credits ==

The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

 * Nathan Handler
 * Mike Holstein
 * Elizabeth Krumbach
 * Gareth Greenaway
 * And many others

== Glossary of Terms ==

Other acronyms can be found at

== Ubuntu - Get Involved ==

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on
different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical
support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No
contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to
get in on all the community fun associated with developing and
promoting Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate

== Feedback ==

This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you
have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the
Ubuntu News Team mailing list at
https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-news-team and submit
it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Ideas. If you'd like to
contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please
feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical
support questions, please send them to ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com.

More information about the ubuntu-news mailing list