Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #193

Amber Graner akgraner at ubuntu.com
Mon May 17 01:52:59 BST 2010

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #193 for the week May
9th - May 15th, 2010. In this issue we cover Ubuntu Developer Summit -
Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick Meerkat planned, Ubuntu Developer Summit -M
Videos, Unity, and Ubuntu Light, A Case for Modifying the Ubuntu
Release Schedule, New Default Applications In Ubuntu Netbook Edition
10.10?, Ubuntu Stats, Ubuntu DC LoCo InstallFest, Release Party In
Uruguay was a Big Hit, Welcome To Ubuntu in Maryland! May 20th, Ubuntu
Release Party 10.04 – Alagoas, Ubuntu Hams - Our First UDS Session was
Great, Clarifications around Ubuntu using “Google Chrome”,
UDS-Maverick recap, BTRFS By Default In Maverick?, Testing Ubuntu
Releases, Receive Ubuntu bugs by mail with the Debian PTS, Columbia
Areas Linux User Group - Featured speaker Mackenzie Morgan, In The
Press, In the Blogoshpere, Canonical’s Ubuntu support scope,
Commercial bug-fixes for Ubuntu, Upcoming Meetings and Events, Updates
and Security, And much much more...

== In This Issue ==

 * Ubuntu Developer Summit - Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick Meerkat planned
 * Ubuntu Developer Summit -M Videos
 * Unity, and Ubuntu Light
 * A Case for Modifying the Ubuntu Release Schedule
 * New Default Applications In Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10?
 * Ubuntu Stats
 * Ubuntu DC LoCo InstallFest
 * Release Party In Uruguay was a Big Hit
 * Welcome To Ubuntu in Maryland! May 20th
 * Ubuntu Release Party 10.04 – Alagoas
 * Ubuntu Hams - Our First UDS Session was Great
 * Clarifications around Ubuntu using “Google Chrome”
 * UDS-Maverick recap
 * BTRFS By Default In Maverick?
 * Testing Ubuntu Releases
 * Receive Ubuntu bugs by mail with the Debian PTS
 * Columbia Areas Linux User Group - Featured speaker Mackenzie Morgan
 * In The Press
 * In the Blogosphere
 * Canonical’s Ubuntu support scope
 * Commercial bug-fixes for Ubuntu
 * Upcoming Meetings and Events
 * Updates and Security for
 * And much much more...

== General Community News ==

=== Ubuntu Developer Summit - Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick Meerkat planned ===

Ubuntu developers and contributors from all over the globe meet in
Brussels, Belgium from May 10th through May 14th, 2010 to plan the
next Ubuntu release - code named Maverick Meerkat, currently scheduled
to be released in October 2010.

UDS opened with the "We're not going to take it" video introduction to
Maverick Meerkat [1].  The video was made using Ubuntu and open source
applications by Robbie Williamson of the Ubuntu Platform team.

While the Ubuntu Technical Board has not yet approved the 10.10.10
release date, there is already talk of the Oct 10th date being the
goal to shoot for. Mark Shuttleworth in his UDS Keynote [2] explained
why this date would be an important date to aggressively plan for.  In
this same keynote the mystery of why the buttons were moved to the
left in lucid was solved as "Unity" and "Ubuntu Light" and
"Windacators" were explained.

Many who attended UDS in Brussels noted that even though the tracks
were the almost same as past UDS'. There seemed to be even more
sessions available to choose from than in the past. The following
break out illustrates why those who attended felt that way.

Sessions per track at UDS-M:

 * Cloud and Server - 53

 * Community -  72

 * Design - 20

 * Desktop - 116

 * Foundations - 33

 * Kernel - 27

 * QA -  35

 * Security - 17

 * Ubuntu on Arm - 47

The Canonical Kernel Team choose 2.6.35 to be the Ubuntu 10.10 kernel
version as well btrfs as a technology preview.

The popularity and demand for the ARM sessions surprised everyone to
include Mark Shuttleworth and before the end of the first day at UDS
the ARM sessions had to be moved to rooms that held 60+ people.  Even
after moving these sessions to larger rooms they were still at
standing room only capacity.

The Ubuntu 10.10 cycle will focus on how to encourage new developers
and to sharpen the skills of those developers who are currently
contributing to Ubuntu. The 'opportunistic' developer will play a key,
and crucial role in this cycle.

UDS also focused on better communications, better marketing,
increasing community participation, increasing quality and quantity of
testing as well as increasing participation in all *ubuntu weeks, and
updating wiki.ubuntu.com pages for all teams.  There are also plans
for updating ubuntu.com/community pages to better serve those who are
looking to find ways to contribute to the Ubuntu project. That's not
all, the community pages aren't the only area getting a face lift, The
Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Ubuntu Wiki Pages, Ubuntu Forums,
Ubuntu.com and Canonical.com will be updated to reflect the new light

Several people who attended UDS in person and remotely did a great job
or summing up the sessions they attended. Please take a moment to read
about their thoughts on UDS.

 * Elizabeth Krumbach - http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=2951,
 * Dustin Kirkland -
 * Seif Lofty -
 * Nigel Babu -
 * Laura Czajkowski - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/05/

[1] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_75rGr5vENs

[2]- http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3603061/

To find out more about UDS-M, please see the videos listed, as well as
the UDS-M wiki's and Summit pages found at:
http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-m/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M

To see the UDS photo please see:

=== Ubuntu Developer Summit -M Videos ===

==== Opening Videos ====

 * UDS Maverick Kickoff Video  - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_75rGr5vENs

 * UDS-M Mark Shuttleworth Keynote -

==== Sessions ====

 * Desktop Round Table - Monday - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3606759/

 * Upstart Q&A Session - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3606758/

 * Ubuntu Developer Workflow Review -

 * UDS-M Running X as a Regular User - Desktop Team Session -

 * UDS-M Meeting Ubuntu for the first time-

 * UDS-M Updating Desktop in Cloud Image -

 * UDS-M-DX-Sound-Menu - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3621725/

 * UDS-M Ubuntu Server and Cloud - ARM -

 * UDS-M The Desktop Is Your IDE - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3617109/

 * UDS-M ARM Toolchain Overview - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3617077/

 * UDS-M PyGtk base class library for fast app development -

 * UDS-M DX Keyboard Menu - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3622903/

 * UDS-M-Making-Beautiful-Fonts - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3621745/

 * UDS-M Desktop and Upstart - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3621723/

==== Plenaries ====

===== UDS-M Afternoon Plenary Monday -
http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3606761 =====

 * The Canonical Design Team
 * QT Roadmap
 * Quickly and Application Development on Maverick.

===== UDS-M afternoon Plenary Tuesday -
http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3617079/ =====

 * Diffamation - Using Animation Transitions to Support Navigation in
Document History

===== UDS-M Plenary Wednesday -
http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3618693/ =====

 * Intro to ARM
 * Maverick Development Process
 * Launchpad Translations
 * Intro to Creating the New Ubuntu Font

===== UDS-M Plenary Thursday -
http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3622104/ =====

 * Collaboration with Ubuntu: From the Debian Point of View
 * What's this bit do? Ghosts of the Plumbing Layer

==== Interviews ====

 * UDS-M Mark Shuttleworth interview -

 * UDS-M Interview Stuart Langridge - Ubuntu One  -

 * UDS-M Interview Elizabeth Krumbach Community -

 * UDS M Interview Laura Czajkowski - LoCo Council -

 * UDS-M Interview with Daniel T Chen -

 * UDS-M Interview with Robbie Williamson -

 * UDS-M Interview with Kevin VanDine -

 * UDS-M Jono Bacon Interview - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3617074/

 * UDS-M Marjo Mercardo Interview -

 * UDS-M Interview with Alan Pope -

 * UDS-M Kernel interview with Leann Ogasawara and Andy Whitcroft at
UDS - http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3608969/

=== Unity, and Ubuntu Light ===

Mark Shuttleworth discusses Unity and Ubuntu Light on his blog post:

A few months ago we took on the challenge of building a version of
Ubuntu for the dual-boot, instant-on market. We wanted to be surfing
the web in under 10 seconds, and give people a fantastic web
experience. We also wanted it to be possible to upgrade from that
limited usage model to a full desktop.

The fruit of that R&D is both a new desktop experience codebase,
called Unity, and a range of Light versions of Ubuntu, both netbook
and desktop, that are optimised for dual-boot scenarios.

The dual-boot, web-focused use case is sufficiently different from
general-purpose desktop usage to warrant a fresh look at the way the
desktop is configured. We spent quite a bit of time analyzing
screenshots of a couple of hundred different desktop configurations
from the current Ubuntu and Kubuntu user base, to see what people used
most. We also identified the things that are NOT needed in lightweight
dual-boot instant-on offerings. That provided us both with a list of
things to focus on and make rich, and a list of things we could leave

Instant-on products are generally used in a stateless fashion. These
are “get me to the web asap” environments, with no need of heavy local
file management. If there is content there, it would be best to think
of it as “cloud like” and synchronize it with the local Windows
environment, with cloud services and other devices. They are also not
environments where people would naturally expect to use a wide range
of applications: the web is the key, and there may be a few
complementary capabilities like media playback, messaging, games, and
the ability to connect to local devices like printers and cameras and
pluggable media.

We also learned something interesting from users. It’s not about how
fast you appear to boot. It’s about how fast you actually deliver a
working web browser and Internet connection. It’s about how fast you
have a running system that is responsive to the needs of the user.

Mark also discusses the following in his post:

 * Unity: a lightweight netbook interface

 * Ubuntu Light

 * Evolving Unity for Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10

 * Relationship to Gnome Shell

 * Relationship to FreeDesktop and KDE

It will be an intense cycle, if we want to get all of these pieces in
line. But we think it’s achievable: the new launcher, the new panel,
the new implementation of the global menu and an array of indicators.
Things have accelerated greatly during Lucid so if we continue at this
pace, it should all come together. Here’s to a great summer of code.

To read more about Unity and Ubuntu Light go to:

=== A Case for Modifying the Ubuntu Release Schedule ===

Robbie Williamson,  Ubuntu Platform Team Manager writes on his Blog
about the modified release schedule needed to hit the proposed
10.10.10 release schedule for Maverick Meerkat on his blog.  Robbie
presented this information on the last day of UDS.

There has recently been some discussion on the Ubuntu Tech Board
mailing list around releasing Ubuntu 10.10 on 10/10/10 and the impact
on Ubuntu’s promise to release on a regular six month cadence.  In my
thinking around this, I decided to take a deeper look at the schedule
of past releases…to see how close to a cadence we actually are.
Interestingly enough, I found that while the releases were in the same
month (and towards the end), the amount of development and bug fix
time varied greatly.

Robbie through a series of slides breaks them (the releases) into
equal 26 week cycles, and by the end of the slide show shows - "yes we
can!" make the 10.10.10 release date a reality.

To see the slides on Robbie's blog please go to:

===  New Default Applications In Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10? ===

After a discussion @ UDS-m, the blueprint for UNE default app
selection was updated seconds ago and it now points out that some
default applications might be changed in Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10.

The first on the list is Chromium, which might replace Firefox as the
default browser. The blueprint says this will happen if there is
enough space for Chromium and it will be used as the default
application until Alpha 3 - and then it will be decided if UNE will
switch to Chromium by default or not.

The blueprint also indicates a lot of issues with Chromium which might
be in the way of it becoming the default browser in Ubuntu Netbook
Edition 10.10 Maverick Meerkat:


More information can be found at:

== Ubuntu Stats ==

=== Bug Stats ===

 * Open (81354) +803 over last week
 * Critical (28) +3 over last week
 * Unconfirmed (37013) +615 over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started,
please see  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad

=== Translation Stats Lucid ===

 1. English (United Kingdom) (797) -115 over last week
 2. Spanish (10764) -685 over last week
 3. Brazilian Portuguese (35889) -324 over last week
 4. French (40197) -101 over last week
 5. German (54872) -852 over last week

Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx", see more
at: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/

=== Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week ===

 * Ubuntu doesn't handle power management well enough
 * FSCK front end and automatic scanning for errors on impoper shutdowns
 * Adding Audiobooks to the Ubuntu One Store
 * totem should provide an option to purge/disable playing history
 * Many arabic/hebrew speakers can't transcode movies

Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add
your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or
against another idea. http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/

== LoCo News ==

=== Ubuntu DC LoCo InstallFest ===

WHAT:	Ubuntu DC LoCo Installfest
WHERE:	Sunlight Foundation
1818 N Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
WHEN:	5:30pm to 8:30pm, Friday, May 21 2010
WHY:	We're celebrating the release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS by helping out
anybody who wants to with the upgrade experience. Bring your friends!


=== Release Party In Uruguay was a Big Hit ===

Last Saturday on Science University in Montevideo, Uruguay, the
Uruguayan LoCo team held the Lucid Lynx Release Party, over 90 people
showed up in the whole day. It was a great success with Demos, Talks
and having a great time with the Ubuntu Users from Here!!


=== Welcome To Ubuntu in Maryland! May 20th ===

Please join the Ubuntu Maryland Local Community team for our meeting
May 20th 7pm at the Howard County Library Central Branch.
This month’s meeting will feature a presentation entitled “Welcome to
Ubuntu”. This is an introductory level talk to welcome new users into
the Ubuntu world.

With the latest Ubuntu release, Lucid Lynx, we have a new long term
support version of the operating system. Now is a great time to learn
the advantages of running a Linux distribution. If you’ve had
questions about using Ubuntu and wondering if you can do it (which you
can, sorry to spoil the talk:)) join us!

We will have a Q&A session afterwards and all that attend will receive
a free Ubuntu Lucid Lynx CD!
See the wiki for details and a flyer you can hand out to your friends
and post at your favorite community spot, coffee shop, school bulletin
board… you get the idea!


=== Ubuntu Release Party 10.04 – Alagoas ===

On May 14  in Maceió and the 15th of the same month in Arapiraca we
held a release party to launch the Ubuntu LTS 10.04.
This version is a Long Term Support, which means that we have three
years of upgrades for desktops and five years for servers.
In Maceió, the event will be held in the auditorium of SENAI starting
at 18:00 hours.
In Arapiraca in the event will be in the auditorium of FACOM starting
at 13:00 hours.
During the event we presented the new version and features.
There were also lectures on Concepts of Free Software, User Support,
the Ubuntu Community, business opportunities, etc.


== The Planet ==

=== Steve Conklin: Ubuntu Hams - Our First UDS Session was Great ===

Steve Conklin, Ubuntu Kernel Team writes:

The Ubuntu Hams team was started a year ago, and has seen a lot of
membership growth since then. We just finished the first BOF session
we’ve ever had at an Ubuntu Developer’s Summit, and it was a lot of
fun. As soon as I can I’ll email a summary to the team mailing list.
The discussion was wide-ranging, from enabling translation of amateur
radio packages, to increasing the number of upstream maintainers that
we engage with.

We decided to begin having monthly meetings on IRC for Ubuntu-hams, as
well as starting to have some HF nets. If you’re interested in
following this, join the team and subscribe to the mailing list. We’ll
be having followup discussions there.


=== Jorge Castro: Clarifications around Ubuntu using “Google Chrome” ===

Jorge Castro, Ubuntu Community Team, takes a moment to clarify some
things about default applications and Chromium.

 * Chrome and Chromium are not the same thing. Chrome is a non-free
build of the Chromium project.

 * It is impossible for us to ship Google Chrome as a default web
browser without compromising our beliefs [1]. You can read more about
our licensing and how that relates here [2].

 * However we have a section in the software center where people can
opt-in to have things like Skype, Adobe Reader, and possibly Google

 * The distribution models of Chromium and Ubuntu/Debian couldn’t be
more different, but since Evan Martin from upstream Chromium attended
the Ubuntu Development Summit we have begun to identify how we can
make this work. Expect more progress here in the future.

 * The switch to Chromium has only been identified as possible choice
on the Ubuntu Netbook Edition.

 * WE LOVE FIREFOX. Mozilla is one of our most important upstreams and
we will continue to work with them as we have in the past.  Improving
Chromium in Ubuntu helps Firefox because they both believe that
competition is the best way to drive the web forward. For example we
use CouchDB as our default for “sqlless databases”, but work (or plan
to work) with MongoDB and Cassandra as well. We ship and integrate
puppet by default but that doesn’t stop us from making sure Chef is
well supported. No sane operating system vendor would want to
artificially limit what developers can do on their platform.

 * We should be celebrating the choice of excellent browsers pushing the web.

Jorge states, "I hope that clears things up, you’ll be hearing more
updates in the usual development channels from the Desktop team as the
cycle progresses."

[1] - http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/philosophy

[2] - http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing


=== Daniel T. Chen: UDS-Maverick recap ===

Daniel Chen takes a moment to recap UDS-M and pass the torch to those
who will be carrying on the awesome work Daniel has done on the audio
front in Ubuntu and Linux as a whole. Here's what Daniel had to say:

UDS-M is bittersweet. It is the last summit I attend due to additional
work commitments that will remove me from Ubuntu development, but more
significantly it is the first summit where the future gardeners,
maintainers, and developers of the audio infrastructure in Ubuntu and
derivatives gathered and discussed how we can drive user experience
improvements. In fact, the phenomenal Amber Graner asked me a few
questions to that end [1], and a few things that I neglected to
mention are that:

 * Canonical has some real rock stars ramping up enablement and
proactive quirking efforts on the ALSA front, so Linux distributions
will see significant improvement in vendor support for audio in the
12.04 LTS time frame;

 * we might see a streamlined method of switching between PulseAudio
and JACK via indicator-sound on the Ubuntu desktop;

 * Maverick will see the complete removal of native OSS support from
our linux packages with OSS proxy being used instead.

As always, we'll continue to apply stable release updates to supported
releases (particularly the most current LTS), to address high profile
bug reports against the audio stack, and to maintain helpful presences
on the varied mailing lists.

It has been one heck of a five-year ride. Thanks for all the fish [2].

[1] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gvTeI6-bms

[2] - https://undacuvabrutha.wordpress.com/2010/05/14/a-case-for-modifying-the-ubuntu-release-schedule/

More from Daniel Chen can be found at:

=== Scott James Remnant: BTRFS By Default In Maverick? ===

UDS is over! And in the customary wrap-up I stood up and told the
audience what the Foundations team have been discussing all week. One
of the items is almost certainly going to get a little bit of

We are going to be doing the work to have btrfs as an installation
option, and we have not ruled out making it the default.

I do stress the emphasis of that statement, a number of things would
have to be true for us to take that decision:

   1. btrfs would need to not be marked “experimental” in the kernel
config; we understand that this is planned for 2.6.35, which is the
kernel version we are expecting to ship in Maverick.

   2. btrfs is not currently supported by GRUB2 (our boot loader) or
the installer; these pieces would need to be finished before Feature

   3. If that happens, we may make it the default for Alpha releases
to gain testing; that testing must go smoothly.

   4. The btrfs upstream must be happy with the idea.

   5. We must be happy with the idea.

It’s a tough gauntlet, and it would only made with the knowledge that
production servers and desktops can be run on Lucid as a fully
supported version of Ubuntu at the same time.  I’d give it a 1-in-5


=== Matthew Helmke: Testing Ubuntu Releases ===

Do you like it when your operating system “just works?” I do. This
does not happen easily or without hard work. Ubuntu has a wonderful QA
team that has a systematic method of testing releases on diverse
hardware platforms. However, they don’t own every piece of equipment
out there. This doesn’t have to be the end of the story. Anyone who is
willing to do a little bit of work and follow some very clearly
outlined procedures may become a part of the team and help make
releases better. Interested? Take a look at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing for ways that community members can
join the Testing Team and http://qa.ubuntu.com/ for information on the
QA Team. These two groups work together toward the common goal of
making Ubuntu releases the best they can be through finding bugs,
reporting them, and helping find problems on an even wider set of


=== Lucas Nussbaum: Receive Ubuntu bugs by mail with the Debian PTS ===

It is now possible to subscribe to Ubuntu bugmail for the packages you
care about, without having to use Launchpad (and subscribe on a
per-package basis there). This is implemented as a new opt-in Package
Tracking System keyword: derivatives-bugs.
To subscribe for all your packages, use keyword [email] +
derivatives-bugs (as documented in the Developers Reference). You
might also want to subscribe to derivatives (Ubuntu diff, etc. also

Of course, if other derivative distributions are interested in
providing such data, don’t hesitate to contact me or the Debian QA
Also, if you are like me and never remember about subscribing to
packages you maintain, you can use that UDD script to check for
missing subscriptions.


=== Chuck Frain: Columbia Areas Linux User Group - Featured speaker
Mackenzie Morgan ===

The Columbia Area Linux Users Group held a meeting on May 12th and
welcomed Mackenzie Morgan from the Kubuntu (and other *ubuntu verse
fame).  Mackenzie discussed the Ubuntu Development Processes! This
talk provided a developers perspective on contributing to the Ubuntu
distribution that many of us use and enjoy!


== In The Press ==

=== Hands-on with Ubuntu's new Unity netbook shell ===

Ryan Paul of ARS Technica reports that during a keynote at the Ubuntu
Developer Summit in Belgium, Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth unveiled
a new lightweight user interface shell called Unity. The new shell is
designed to use screen space more efficiently and consume fewer system
resources than a conventional desktop environment. It will be a key
component of the Ubuntu Netbook Edition and a new instant-on computing
platform called Ubuntu Light. The Unity environment eschews the
conventional GNOME panel configuration. It includes a dock-like
launcher and task management panel that is displayed vertically along
the left-hand side. The top panel will house application indicators,
window indicators, and the menubar of the active window. Moving the
menu out of individual windows and into a global menu bar will reduce
wasted vertical screen space, leaving more room for content. ARS
Technica's test of the Unity prototype leads them to believe that the
project has considerable potential and could bring a lot of value to
the Ubuntu Netbook Edition. Its unique visual style melds beautifully
with Ubuntu's new default theme and its underlying interaction model
seems compelling and well-suited for small screens.


=== Ubuntu headed to tablets, STBs and embedded car platforms ===

Expect more Linux-based touchscreen tablets, mobile devices and
set-top boxes over the next couple of years, as Canonical prepare to
push touch functionality in their Ubuntu distribution.  According to
director of business development Chris Kenyon, the OS manufacturer is
targeting ”the digital home or something you carry around” – though
not smartphones – with new builds that prioritise finger-friendly UIs
and stripped down packages that boot quickly and offer speedy access
to core mobility functionality.


=== Ubuntu Learns New Tricks, Forgets Some Old Ones ===

Ubuntu's latest Lucid Lynx upgrade gave the distro a needed facelift
and endowed it with a speed boost as well. Users may find the new
music store attractive, and social network butterflies can pipe
friends' updates directly into the OS. However, Lucid Lynx has
annoyingly changed the placement of crucial buttons, and some users
may be miffed by the exclusion of certain programs like GIMP in the
default installation. It is evident that the community did a huge
amount of work to make it a polished OS. This release stands out! It
runs quite deep in user experience. Much of the social networking is
more integrated, making it sexy to use.


=== Ubuntu developing new Unity UI, instant-on versions for netbook ===

Canonical is making fast progress on a promise to improve the netbook
experience by launching a new user interface dubbed “Unity” and plans
for light editions of Ubuntu. An early development codebase of Unity
is available now for early testing and experimentation. Unity is
optimized for the web services experience and will offer a “dash”
interface, instant-on and touch capabilities. One chief goal is to
maximize speed — which is defined as getting users to the Internet,
and to cloud services pronto, as opposed to the typical fast boot-up
metric everyone focused on.


=== With Ubuntu 10.10 It May Be Easier To Run Wayland ===

Phoronix's Michael Larabel thinks that beyond working towards the X
Server not running as the root user and the X.Org/Mesa/Kernel upgrades
planned for Ubuntu 10.10, it may also be easier to test the Wayland
Display Server in this Ubuntu "Maverick Meerkat" update due out in
October. Larabel first talked about Wayland in late 2008 when the
project was still in its infancy by Kristian Høgsberg. Wayland is
still very much a side-project of Kristian's that just receives
commits every once in a while and has yet to gain any widespread
adoption, but it still possesses a lot of progress. Wayland can run
dual nested X.Org Servers within it, now runs off Mesa rather than
Eagle EGL, supports the KMS page-flipping ioctl, a DRI2 driver is
being worked on, and much more. However, it doesn't do too much yet
for the end-user, but that should change once the GTK, Qt, or Clutter
tool-kits are properly supported within Wayland. We'll see where
Wayland gets by the time Ubuntu 10.10 is due out in October.


=== Microblogging and More with Gwibber ===

Joe Brockmeier, Linux Magazine, takes time to look at Gwibber.  Tired
of slogging through Facebook’s interface? Sick of seeing the Fail
Whale? Cut through the cruft and simplify your social services with
Gwibber — a microblogging client for Linux that supports Identi.ca,
Facebook, Twitter, and more.

Joe notes, "It’s easy to get sucked into using social media, but hard
to keep up when you start using two, three, or more social media
sites. Looking to untangle the Web? Try out Gwibber, a microblogging
client that supports a bucketload of social media services."

In his article he discusses the following:

 * Getting Started with Gwibber

 * Gwibber Displaying Search for Ubuntu

 * Multiple Streams in Gwibber

 * What Gwibber is Missing

Joe concludes with, "Gwibber development has moved pretty fast. It’s
grown up a lot in the last year, and I suspect that trend will
continue. It is very easy to use, stable, and If you’re looking for a
desktop microblogging client, you should give Gwibber a spin."

To read Brockmeier's full article on Gwibber go to:

== In The Blogosphere ==

=== Ubuntu open to greater touch ===

You'll want to touch Ubuntu in personal places - like in your kitchen
or in your car. At least that's what Canonical hopes, as it works on
architectural changes and business deals to put the Linux distro on
more embedded systems. But smartphones, the industry's current
fixation, are out of the picture. Canonical is looking at Ubuntu for
in-car systems, tablets, set-top-boxes, and what director of business
development Chris Kenyon called "the digital home or something you
carry around. We're not thinking about the phone base." The focus of
all this is Ubuntu Core - Ubuntu Linux minus the familiar interface.
Keynon expects support for other architectures and variants of ARM to
grow during the next 12 months. "In 10.10 [due in October], you will
see a big push that will make Ubuntu Core a fantastic platform,"
Kenyon promised.


=== 'Linux is Not User Friendly' - No Way! ===

The mainstream media is adopting Linux, and a lot of people are
starting to complain how not-user-friendly Linux really is. one thing
they all need to consider is this, Linux!=Windows! It is not the
friendliness factor, it is the user familiarity factor that is giving
Linux a bad name. Until 4 years ago this blogger was not much of a
computer user. He installed Ubuntu on a dual boot and loved it right
off. But it took him about 3 months to really get comfortable with the
system. There lies the rub, most folks think Linux should be just like
windows, and that perception has to change. People have to give Ubuntu
and Linux a chance to show them that there is a better way.


=== Philippines use Ubuntu-based voting machines in recent election ===

Last weeks election in the Philippines was notable for several reasons
– not least of which was the introduction of a new electronic voting
system in which Ubuntu has played a vital – but invisible – role
managing the Linux-based ROMs that do the actual counting. Sadly the
introduction of computerized vote counting was marred by repeated
machine hardware failures, and large-scale errors. Ubuntu in this
situation was neither the culprit or the cause, but demonstrated once
again the versatile deployment capabilities of Ubuntu.


=== UDS-M: Sound menu Changes coming In Ubuntu Maverick ===

Ubuntu 10.10 will see the introduction of a ‘unified sound menu’,
designed to allow users to easily control music playback and control
over-all sound volume; staking itself on more than just managing
volume, but managing applications that use the sound menu. The menu
will act as a “remote control” for Rhythmbox  allowing users to change
track, start playlists and display artwork, although it allows for any
music player to use it. VoIP applications will also see themselves
well served by the new menu with handy sliders for Microphone/input
volume and automated fade in/fade out of music upon receiving a call.


=== Too many Ubuntu's? ===

Ubuntu is an excellent Linux distribution. The latest version, Ubuntu
10.04, is great. It's also obvious why there are several Linux
distributions based on Ubuntu, such as Kubuntu. But do we really need
two new Ubuntu desktops, Unity and Light? Can Canonical do everything
that it's already doing while adding more work to its load? Unity, is
designed to get the most good out of a netbook's limited screen real
estate. This is not just a matter of dumping and/or shrinking down
icons. It's an interesting take on what to do with the netbook
interface, and it shows that Canonical has been thinking hard about
what needs, and what doesn't need, to be on a netbook screen.
Canonical has been working on the Ubuntu Netbook Edition since 2008,
Ubuntu Light is a new project. This is Canonical's first take on an
instant-on, dual-boot Linux.

The Light interface is based on Unity, but the underlying Linux has
been optimized to work both in dual-boot situations — but what is most
interesting, "it comes with tools for Windows which assist in the
management of the dual-boot experience." Gerry Carr, Canonical's head
of platform marketing, says that "the business plan is to get OEMs to
pre-install Ubuntu on notebooks and desktops so that "Users can access
the web in under ten seconds." Just how thinly Canonical can spread


=== The Ubuntu Support and Learning Center ===

The Ubuntu Manual Project is always looking for ways to make their
content and material available to as many people as possible. They
make it available in different languages and downloadable in different
formats, as well as offering the printed version for purchase through
an online publisher. The next logical step is an online HTML version
of the content. The Ubuntu Support and Learning Center (USLC) will be
an awesome, quality, dynamic website that acts as an online learning
and support center for Ubuntu users to both solve their problems or
work through tasks, and also to learn more about Ubuntu and how to
contribute to it. The final site would involve material from the
manual project, docs team, learning project and third party articles,
split into well organized, topic based help using cutting edge web
technologies like HTML5 and Javascript. The website would also collect
information and feedback from the users. USLC will be developed over
the next 6 months and will be available for Maverick.


=== UDS-M: Me Menu getting improvements for Maverick ===

The Me Menu in Ubuntu 10.04 is getting much needed improvements for
Ubuntu 10.10 based on user feedback and research. Some new features
and bug fixes planned from the UDS session:

 * Notifications to confirm that your broadcast message has been sent
 * A label for the text field to make it more obvious what it does
 * Character counter for the text field
 * Faster synchronization with Gwibber updating new information
 * A better word instead of "Broadcast" for the Broadcast accounts option
 * Buttons to select which accounts you would like to post the message
to as per the original design


=== Advanced Configuration pop-up messages (notify-osd) ===

Thanks to LucidFox [1] for pointing to Roman Sukochev blog [2] where
he writes about configuring the notify-osd pop-up messages. Since
notify-osd in Ubuntu Meerkat is being dropped, a patch that allows you
to change under a color pop-up messages, and text options, indents,
etc seemed to be a good idea. Instructions describe how to implement
the patch, how to use it, and it also specifies the repository where
you can install the already patched package notify-osd, without the
need to build it manually. Please visit the translated page below to
get the full instructions.

[1] - http://lucidfox.org/posts/view/575

[2] - http://leolik.blogspot.com/2009/12/notify-osd.html (original
post in Russian)

To see the translated original post please go to:

== In Other News ==

=== Canonical’s Ubuntu support scope ===

What software will Canonical provide support for? That’s probably one
of the questions you might be asking yourself. Generally speaking for
an application to be supported as part of a service subscription it
has to be within the Main repository. This is because applications
within the Main repository receive public maintenance (bug fixes and
security updates) for the life-cycle of the release. In order for an
application to move into Main it goes through a stringent security and
quality assurance assessment. As part of this review Canonical’s
engineers inspect the code and ensure that they are able to maintain
it. The second issue is how do you know which software is covered
within the Ubuntu service that you subscribed to? Some Linux
distributions deal with this by covering all the software that they
physically ship to customers. However, in Ubuntu’s case most users
receive the software electronically so this doesn’t work.
Consequently, when a customer purchases a particular service
subscription they receive a Service Description. This describes the
scope of support, the bug-fixing coverage, the legal indemnification,
the software components covered and the response levels.


=== Commercial bug-fixes for Ubuntu ===

If you have a commercial subscription service for Ubuntu how do we
prioritize fixing bugs? For business users Ubuntu’s advantage is often
flexibility. Nonetheless, it’s hardly “free” if you can’t use the
software. And Ubuntu, like all software, has bugs and issues –
particularly when you’re using it in a complex environment. To resolve
these issues professional users need access to expertise when there’s
an issue. In the proprietary world the license agreement commonly
includes support so the customer presents the bug and they should get
a resolution. A service agreement means that the customers bugs are
guaranteed a response, that the issue will be dealt with by an Ubuntu
expert and that the issue will be prioritized. For Canonical engineers
customer bugs are prioritized over general development work and are
split into categories by urgency. Initially when the customer presents
the case the GSS (Global Support & Services) team triage it and where
possible come up with an immediate workaround. So flexibility is the
Ubuntu advantage, and the advantage of working with Canonical is
there’s a canonical resource for Ubuntu expertise.


=== Ubuntu Lucid Lynx on Arm ===

What a fantastic release Ubuntu 10.04, aka Lucid Lynx is. Now that UDS
is over, it's a good time to look back at what happened to the ARM
version of Lucid this cycle. Here are some of the changes.

 * New User Interface
 * Faster Live CD Boots
 * Web Office & Web Mail integration
 * Optimized Tool Chain defaults
 * Concentration on bug fixing
 * Chromium browser now works on ARM
 * Rootstock gui
 * beagle board support
 * and lots of minor improvements

Canonical is very proud of the Lucid Lynx on ARM, and are extremely
excited at what future releases will bring.


=== OggCamp10 – veni, vidi, vici ===

OggCamp in Liverpool has finished up, and it looks like many in the
Ubuntu Community had a great time. Tony Whitmore, Alan Pope, and Laura
Czajkowski were just a few of the participants. A lot of productive
work got done, but there was a lot of fun behind the scenes and after
hours at the event. By the end, everyone was worn out. Tony is busy
reflecting on the event and says he is looking forward to next year
already, even though he'll probably have to organize the event again.
Sounds like a love - hate - love relationship. Read all the high
points of the event at the link below.


=== GNOME Marketing Hackfest Spring 2010 ===

Jason D. Clinton, discusses the ends and outs of GNOME Marketing
Hackfest 2010. We got so much done marketing work done last week in
Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain. The city was beautiful and I'm more energized
and optimistic about the GNOME 3.0 launch than ever before!

By the time that the hackfest began, we knew a lot more about what
will be in GNOME 3.0 than we did 6 months ago. Additionally, Vincent
Untz, of the release team, was able to give us a much more informed
view than we've had before. Taken together, we were able to nail down
the major features we are going to talk about to the public: the
improved user experience (GNOME Shell + search), topic-based help,
performance improvements, improved art (symbolic icons) and a new
theme, all the great GNOME apps we have now plus great new
applications (the details that the release team will decide and then
release in the coming weeks).

We hammered out, as a large group, the timeline of actions needed to
be taken by the marketing team. The list is huge and there's plenty of
room for more help! If you're a non-coder, this is one of the many
ways to get involved in GNOME. The entire 3.0 launch roadmap is posted
here [1].

All in all, it was hugely productive and a great time, too. GNOME 3.0
is going to rock!

[1] - http://live.gnome.org/ThreePointZero/MarketingRoadmap

To find out more about GNOME 3.0 and read the article in full please
go to: http://jasondclinton.livejournal.com/79215.html

=== F-Spot 0.6.2 Released! ===

Ruben Vermeersch, F-Spot 0.6.2 released.

After a long period of silence, it is my pleasure to announce that a
new version of F-Spot has been release: 0.6.2. Notable changes in this
release are:

 * We no longer embed Mono.Addins. The distribution copy should be
used from now on.
 * A ton of bugfixes and usability improvements, part of them coming
from the Ubuntu One Hundred Papercuts effort. Many thanks for everyone
 * Lots of cleanups and small performance improvements.
 * The screensaver code has been migrated from old and slow to new and fast.
 * A stop-gap fix for the long standing issue of timestamps being
changed on import. The default policy is now to not touch them. This
should lead to the least confusion among the majority of our users. If
desired, additional techniques can be developed for those who want it
 * A pile of translation updates.
 * As of this release, we're switching to a versioning scheme where
even version numbers denote stable versions and uneven versions
denoting development versions. There's also a stable branch which can
be tracked. More info on this will come in a separate email.
 * 573 files changed, 81197 insertions(+), 85122 deletions(-)

This new release can be downloaded here:

=== GUADEC 2010 Registration Opens for Participants ===

May 11, 2010: Public registration has officially opened for the 2010
GNOME GUADEC conference. Organisers of GUADEC - the GNOME Users And
Developers European Conference - anticipate a wide range of speakers
and participants to once again make this conference a highly
informative and community-building event. The secure registration and
payment site can be found at:https://register.guadec.org/

GUADEC 2010 will be hosted in The Hague, The Netherlands, from July 26
- 30. Now in its 11th year, GUADEC is one of the largest annual
meetings of open source software developers, GNOME foundation leaders,
individuals, governments and businesses from around the world.
Speakers include leading names from the GNOME, UNIX, Linux and Open
Source software communities.

More information about GUADEC, GNOME and the GNOME Foundation can be
found atwww.guadec.org, www.gnome.org and foundation.gnome.org.

Full GUADEC announcement can be found at:

== Featured Podcasts ==

=== Ubuntu-UK podcast: Camping Out ===

Laura Cowen, Ciemon Dunville, Alan Pope, Dave Walker and Tony Whitmore
join forces with Dan Lynch and Fabian Scherschel from Linux Outlaws to
bring you episode seven of season three of the Ubuntu Podcast from the
UK LoCo Team, live from OggCamp10 in Liverpool!

What we've been doing

 * Reviews
 * Weekly News Items
 * Upcoming Events
 * Ubuntu Discussions
 * Emails, tweets, dents and voicemail since our last show

Comments and suggestions are welcomed to: podcast at ubuntu-uk.org

 * OGG download High: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/download/uupc_s03e07_high.ogg
 * OGG download Low: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/download/uupc_s03e07_low.ogg
 * MP3 download High: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/download/uupc_s03e07_high.mp3
 * MP3 download Low: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/download/uupc_s03e07_low.mp3


== Upcoming Meetings and Events ==

=== Monday, May 17, 2010 ===

==== Ubuntu-NGO IRC Meeting ====

 * Start: 1700 UTC
 * End: 1800 UTC
 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-ngo
 * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NGO/Meeting

==== Security Team Catch-up ====

 * Start: 1700 UTC
 * End: 1730UTC
 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: nothing formal, just a weekly catch-up. Weekly Ubuntu
Security Team catch-up meeting. Anyone is welcome to join if they want
to watch, contribute, etc.

=== Tuesday, May 18, 2010 ===

==== Community Council Meeting ====

 * Start: 1000 UTC
 * End: 1200 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda

==== Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting ====

 * Start: 1300  UTC
 * End: 1400 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting

==== Technical Board Meeting ====

 * Start: 1400 UTC
 * End: 1500 UTC
 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: None listed as of publication

==== Desktop Team Meeting ====

 * Start: 1630 UTC
 * End: 1730 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-desktop
 * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting

==== Server Team Meeting ====

 * Start: 1800 UTC
 * End: 1900 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting

==== LoCo Council Meeting ====

 * Start: 2000 UTC
 * End: 2100 UTC
 * Location: None listed as of time of publication
 * Agenda: None listed as of time of publication

=== Wednesday, May 19, 2010 ===

==== Foundation Team Meeting ====

 * Start: 1600  UTC
 * End: 1700 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: None listed as of time of publication

==== QA Team Meeting ====

 * Start: 1700  UTC
 * End: 1800 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings/

==== Jono Bacon @ Home Videocast : Various Topics and Q+A ====
 * Start: 1800  UTC
 * End: 1900 UTC
 * Location: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon
 * Agenda: This is a weekly videocast by the Ubuntu Community Manager,
Jono Bacon in which he discusses a range of topics and also provides a
regular weekly Q+A.

==== Edubuntu Meeting ====

 * Start: 1900  UTC
 * End:  2000 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Meetings/Agenda

=== Thursday, May 20, 2010 ===
==== Ayatana UX team meeting ====

 * Start: 1200 UTC
 * End: 1230 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: * Introductions * Review team charter * Organize first UX
activity * Brainstorm future UX activities

==== Ubuntu Java Meeting ====
 * Start: 1400 UTC
 * End: 1500 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda:   None listed as of time of publication

==== Website Theme Planning ====

 * Start: 1600 UTC
 * End:  1700 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/NewBrandLaunchMeeting

=== Friday, May 21, 2010 ===

* None listed as of time of publication

=== Saturday, May 22, 2010 ===

==== BugJam ====

 * Start: 2000  UTC
 * End:  2200 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-dc and #ubuntu-bugs
 * Agenda: None listed as of time of publication

==== DC Loco IRC meeting ====

 * Start: 2200 UTC
 * End: 2300 UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-dc
 * Agenda: None listed as of time of publication

=== Sunday, May 23, 2010 ===

==== Ubuntu Gaming Team Meeting ====

 * Start: 1900  UTC
 * End: 2100  UTC
 * Location: IRC Channel #ubuntu-meeting
 * Agenda: None listed as of time of publication

== Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04 ==

=== Security Updates ===

 * USN-938-1: KDENetwork vulnerability - http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/USN-938-1

=== Ubuntu 6.06 Updates ===

 * None Reported

=== Ubuntu 8.04 Updates ===

 * None Reported

=== Ubuntu 9.04 Updates ===

 * None Reported

=== Ubuntu 9.10 Updates ===

 * trac- https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2010-May/012371.html

 * autokey (delayed)-

 * kdenetwork_4.3.2-0ubuntu4.1_i386_translations.tar.gz-

 * libatasmart 0.16-1ubuntu0.1 -

=== Ubuntu 10.04 Updates ===

 * gvfs 1.6.1-0ubuntu1build1 -

 * kdenetwork_4.4.2-0ubuntu4.1_powerpc_translations.tar.gz-

 * evince 2.30.1-0ubuntu3 -

 * php5 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 -

 * dovecot 1:1.2.9-1ubuntu6.1 -

 * deja-dup 14.1-0ubuntu0.1 -

 * bareftp 0.3.1-1ubuntu1.1 -

 * software-center 2.0.4 -

 * unetbootin 408-1ubuntu0.10.04.1 -

 * rcmdr 1.5-4-1ubuntu0.1 -

 * pam 1.1.1-2ubuntu3 -

 * openal-soft 1:1.12.854-0ubuntu1~lucid1 -

 * cups 1.4.3-1ubuntu1 -

 * apt -

 * edubuntu-artwork 0.1.0-71ubuntu0.1 -

== UWN Translations ==

 * Note to translators and our readers please follow the link below
for the information you need.


== Subscribe ==

Get your copy of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter delivered each week to
you via email at:

== Archives and RSS Feed ==

You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:

You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:

== Additional Ubuntu News ==

As always you can find more news and announcements at:




== Conclusion ==

Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!

== Credits ==

The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

 * Amber Graner
 * John Crawford
 * Dave Bush
 * Liraz Siri
 * Chris Johnston
 * And many others

== Glossary of Terms ==

 1. ARM - Arcorn RISC Machine
 2. RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
 3. Unity - Ubuntu's New Desktop Shell

Other acronyms can be found at

== Ubuntu - Get Involved ==

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on
different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical
support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No
contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to
get in on all the community fun associated with developing and
promoting Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate

== Feedback ==

This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you
have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the
Ubuntu News Team mailing list at
https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-news-team and submit
it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Ideas. If you'd like to
contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please
feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical
support questions, please send them to ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com.

Except where otherwise noted, content in this issue is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License -

More information about the ubuntu-news mailing list