Hello Friendly News Editors:<br>
Your readers can now listen to a fresh episode of the Ubuntu Audiocast! Episode 06 has been released for their listening pleasure. A<br>
"<br>Chuck, Bucky, and Philbare are back to take you on a safari and eat
cookies! Catch the fun at UDS in Copenhagen where the real purpose of
the event is revealed by the illustrious Jono Bacon. The crew talks
about getting people to Mars in a fun way (with Avaneya and Ubuntu),
party shenanigans with Michael Hall, Ubuntuism and other 'isms that
aren't so human, the insignificance of borders, companies that track
your embarrassing search habits (just for giggles of course), circuses,
flags, and athletes. Not enough? Well then, how about asking what needs to be changed in Ubuntu? More nachos perhaps?!
<a href="https://soundcloud.com/ubuntu-audiocast/ubuntu-audiocast-episode-06" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/ubuntu-audiocast/ubuntu-audiocast-episode-06</a><br>"<br>
With love and mariachi,<br>
Ubuntu Audiocast Media Relations