Hello Friendly News Editors:<div class="gmail_quote"><div><p>You may wish to notify your readers that an all new, all fresh episode of the Ubuntu
Audiocast has been released for their listening pleasure. A synopsis:<br></p><p>"Chuck, Bucky, and
Philbare talk about people who think Ubuntu is a product, some new
kernel features that you might not have known about, why scooters in
Korea are slow, why people line up for things that are really mediocre, a
hate hotline for Unity, and why marketing people should be ashamed. They
discuss Ubuntu more than that of course, but not enough to make you
think that this is yet another show about software. Enjoy the show."</p><div class="listenDetails__description"> </div><p><a href="https://soundcloud.com/ubuntu-audiocast/ubuntu-audiocast-episode-05" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/ubuntu-audiocast/ubuntu-audiocast-episode-05</a></p>
<p>With Love and nachos,<br>Jane.<br>Ubuntu Audiocast Media Relations<br><br></p> </div>