Article with images here: <a href=""></a><br><br>Well 48 hours is over and it was a good time had by all. Although some of the times were brutal due to difficult timezones, we managed to pull through and I think we did a great job!<br>
<br>I’d like to thank not only everyone who turned up and participated, but also all of the teachers in our team who created slides and held their sessions. Also like to thank Jono Bacon for helping us set up Lernid, Nathan Handler and Chris Johnston for giving up their time to teach us how to use ClassBot, Kevin Godby for hosting the slides on his server and Josh Holland for creating the config file for Lernid.<br>
<br>Here are some (unscientific) fun stats:<br><br>During “48 Hours of Ubuntu Manual Learning” we…<br><br><ul><li>held 15 sessions over 2 days taking up 14 hours</li><li>4 teachers passed their knowledge on</li><li>11 new members joined our Launchpad team</li>
<li>36 new people joined our Facebook page</li><li>approx 60 unique people attended the classes in total…</li><li>…and 19 people at any one time</li><li>the teachers answered 70 questions</li><li>had one Android cellphone delivered</li>
<li>distributed 190MB of slides</li><li>and got 110 views on the Ground Control video.</li><li>Not to mention the UMP project leader being up for 20 hrs straight!</li></ul><br>Hope ya’ll had fun and learnt something! I look forward to seeing our new contributors helping out with the project and getting involved wherever they can… now i’m off to get some sleep!<br>
<br>--<br>Benjamin Humphrey<br><br>Ubuntu Manual Project Leader<br>Dunedin, New Zealand<br><br><a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br>