LoCo Council approved and formalized LoCo Handover process

한영빈(Youngbin Han) ybhan at ubuntu.com
Thu Aug 29 00:33:40 UTC 2024

Hello all, I'm Youngbin from the LoCo Council, and I would like to share
some news that we just formalized the LoCo Handover process - You may find
details below

After several months of discussion, the LoCo Council finally approved and
formalized the LoCo Handover process on August 28 09:32 UTC. Until now,
Many Ubuntu LoCos have been almost silent or active but the leadership was
vacant. With this new process, if there's any prospective leaders
interested to lead LoCos that's been silent or leadership is missing, they
can now submit "LoCo Handover request" to handover ownership and resources
needed. details one the LoCo Handover process could be found from the link
한영빈 Youngbin Han | https://launchpad.net/~ybhan
youngbin at ubuntu-kr.org | ybhan at ubuntu.com
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