UWN Summaries for upcoming Issue 523
Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
Sat Nov 11 01:12:09 UTC 2017
Note: this is the email usually sent out to people who are interested in
writing summaries each list (we have a list of people that we BCC).
After this week, I would like to not use this list of people and either
just send an email to ubuntu-news-team at lists.ubuntu.com or put a post on
the Ubuntu Community Hub.
Also, we have been on hiatus for a few weeks, but we're looking for new,
committed contributors and any feedback about UWN in general. Here's the
thread on the Ubuntu Community Hub if you would like to contribute:
Thanks again, and here's the usual email:
Hello fellow volunteers!
You have expressed interest in helping with the weekly publication of
Ubuntu Weekly News by helping us with summary writing.
It’s that time of week again! Links and titles have been added to the
document, and it’s ready for summary writers:
The format is:
=== Article title ===
Your 2-3 sentence summary goes here.
If the link is part of a bullet-pointed list, it does not get a summary.
Please don’t delete the work of others without contacting us (email me
or mention it in #ubuntu-news) and make sure your summary is original
content (not just copied from the article). Let me know if you have any
questions. Also, please keep the style guidelines in mind when writing:
If you write summaries be sure to leave your name at the bottom of the
document so we can properly credit you. Edits by non-core team members
are anonymous so we don’t know otherwise!
Let us know if you’re also interested in proof-reading and we’ll follow
up with you when it’s ready.
Thanks again for your time! And no worries if you can't help this week,
there is always next week... :)
Simon Quigley on behalf of the Ubuntu News Team
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