Looking for Community Council nominations

José Antonio Rey joseeantonior at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 05:42:21 UTC 2017

Hello Daniel,

Just to let you know I posted this on the Fridge a couple hours ago.

Have an amazing week!


On 07/02/2017 02:16 PM, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> The Community Council is looking for nominees for the upcoming election.
> In the past months and weeks Laura and Mike stepped down from the CC for personal reasons, so we decided to restaff the CC a bit early. Normally, elections would have been in November, so we're a few months early.
> If you are interested in the CC's work, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil and the pages linked from there. If you're an Ubuntu member, have been involved in the Ubuntu community for a good while and know its inner workings well, please consider nominating yourself or, if you know somebody and asked them, please nominate them for the role. The term length is two years and all Ubuntu members are eligible for voting.
> To nominate, just send a quick mail to community-council at lists.ubuntu.com with the name and Launchpad ID of the person you're nominating. Don't be shy.
> Mark will shortlist the list of nominations and we hope to kick off the election process in about two weeks.
> Thanks a lot everyone who was on the CC these past (almost) two years.
> Have a great day,
>  Daniel

José Antonio Rey

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