Kubuntu Party 3

Rick Timmis rick.timmis at abazander.com
Mon May 9 19:48:06 UTC 2016

      Friends it just keeps getting better, we are going to crack open
      another case of Kubuntu Geek Fun!

If you’re behind the curve on Kubuntu party then this previous post
<https://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-part-2/> will fill in the gaps.

Friday 20th May 20:00 UTC, we may or may not dressing up in party
frocks, but we will certainly be pressing the “Big Blue Button” to
teleport into (K)Ubuntu party land.

Some say “Even Ovidiu-florin might be there with his Chicken Hat !”

The event will be an on-line party; Held on our video conferencing
server, which the folks at http://bigbluebutton.org provided for us.

    What you will need

  * PC / Laptop and Internet connection – required
  * Speakers / headphones – required
  * Microphone – optional
  * Webcam – optional
  * preferred snacks – Mandatory
  * preferred beverage – Mandatory
  * alcohol infused in said beverage – Optional

The conference suite provides IRC style chat, Voice and Video
conferencing, and you can choose to join as many or as few of those
mediums as you wish. There will be presentations, and screen shared live
demo’s. As has been demonstrated in previous parties there is a healthy
flow of topical conversations, and lots of interesting people dropping
by to say hello.

    Event un-schedule

The main focus will be on “Making Friends and Having Fun!” There is a
great party atmosphere with a life of its own, conversation flowing in
different directions, based upon who is talking, and who has recently
arrived. It is a very loose format of welcoming guests, and getting them
involved in the conversation, and in particular focusing on open
questions that invite them to introduce their own topics, we guarantee
you’ll feel right at home.

The parties attract a wide audience from beyond the Kubuntu community.
At the ;ast party we attracted party-goers from; UBports project,
Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Devon and Cornwall Linux User Group and of course Kubuntu.

To make these parties even better we need YOUR HELP. Firstly a party can
only be a a party when there are party goes, so ensure you come along.
Secondly make sure you tell everyone you know to come along too.

There will be lots of time for discussion, questions and answers, along
with general support and help from the community. At the last event
everyone had a really great time, there were laughs, jokes, conversation
and information sharing.

The event runs for around 3 hours from 20:00 until about 23:00, with a
30 minute overrun to close everything down.

The link to the conference will be posted on the Kubuntu Podcast Google+
events page
and also on irc.freenode.net in the #kubuntu channel

Above all we’re going to have fun, chat, share knowledge, party and
learn new things. There will be plenty of us on hand to get you started
playing and experimenting with Kubuntu. Whether this is your first time
trying Kubuntu or you want help with installing, bug fixing, code
hacking or packaging.

All are welcome!


IRC : sick_rimmit
 G+ : https://plus.google.com/+RickTimmis
 LP : https://launchpad.net/~rick-timmis

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