Ubuntu Myanmar LoCo Team Activities

Paul White bugs at pcwhite.com
Wed Mar 4 17:13:23 UTC 2015

Hi Ko Ko Ye.

Thank you very much for posting your link to the Ubuntu Newsletter Team
mailing list.

We'd love to include your flickr gallery in the next edition of the
Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter but was there something specific that you
wanted to say?

Was there something that you wanted us to quote? What has prompted you
to contact us?

We really do want to include your gallery in the next edition of UWN but
we need a reason for doing so.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

On Tue, 3 Mar 2015, at 16:18, Ko Ko Ye` wrote:
> https://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-mm/pool/
> --
> *Ko Ko Ye`*
> +95 973147907 +95 94500 22022
> kokoye2007 at gmail.com kokoye2007 at ubuntu.com
> skype: kokoye2007 jit.si: kokoye2007
> http://ubuntu-mm.net http://wiki.ubuntu.com/kokoye2007
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MyanmarTeam
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-mm
> --
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