Minutes from the Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting, 2015-07-21
Joseph Salisbury
joseph.salisbury at canonical.com
Tue Jul 21 17:12:47 UTC 2015
= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/07/21/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of
the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]
== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 21 Jul, 2015|20150721
Meeting Agenda]]
=== Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs ===
Release metrics and incoming bug data can be reviewed at the following
* http://kernel.ubuntu.com/reports/kt-meeting.txt
=== Status: Wily Development Kernel ===
We have rebased the master and master-next branch of our Wily repo to
4.1 and uploaded to the archive. We'll move master-next to start
tracking 4.2.
Important upcoming dates:
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseSchedule
Thurs July 30 - Alpha 2 (~1 weeks away)
Thurs Aug 6 - 14.04.3 (~2 weeks away)
Thurs Aug 20 - Feature Freeze (~4 weeks away)
Thurs Aug 27 - Beta 1 (~5 weeks away)
=== Status: CVE's ===
The current CVE status can be reviewed at the following link:
* http://kernel.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-cves.html
=== Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates -
Precise/Trusty/Utopic/Vivid ===
Status for the main kernels, until today:
* Precise - Verification & Testing
* Trusty - Verification & Testing
* Utopic - Verification & Testing
* Vivid - Verification & Testing
Current opened tracking bugs details:
* http://kernel.ubuntu.com/sru/kernel-sru-workflow.html
For SRUs, SRU report is a good source of information:
* http://kernel.ubuntu.com/sru/sru-report.html
cycle: 04-Jul through 25-Jul
03-Jul Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
05-Jul - 11-Jul Kernel prep week.
12-Jun - 25-Jul Bug verification; Regression testing; Release
** NOTE: This cycle produces the kernel that will be in the 14.04.3
point release.
=== Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized ===
No open discussions.
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