Ubuntu Engineering Live video & notes

Michael Hall mhall119 at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 29 14:56:31 UTC 2014

Hello editors,

We had another UE Live broadcast today, below are the video link and
some notes for inclusion in the next UWN.

Weekly Update: 2014-10-29

== Ubuntu 14.10 release update (sil2100) ==
Utopic released \o/
Vivid pocket opened, landings started
    Currently no vivid Ubuntu Touch images building due to problems with
the infrastructure
    First images might have issues due to systemd etc.
Many discussions regarding the landing process
    New ideas on the QA process for image promotion and regression scans
    Formalizing rules to make sure we get the most from our landings
A new 14.09 image promoted 2 weeks ago
Planned new 14.09 promotion this week - cut-off day for final landings
for this image is Thursday 30th
Updating and adding documentation regarding the landing process (on the
Ubuntu wiki)

== Core Apps update (popey) ==
Filippo Scognamiglio (https://launchpad.net/~flscogna) is re-writing the
Terminal app to use a clean upstream plugin
  Plans to allow 3rd party apps to use the terminal as a component
Working on sharing data between Reminders app and scope
New design for the Calculator
Calendar fixes, backend fixes and design input
Weather app given new designs

== Community update (mhall119) ==
New Developer portal Scopes tutorial
General topic: UOS happening on 12-14 Nov
  open for session proposals
  Need track leads for Users track

Michael Hall
mhall119 at ubuntu.com

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