Minutes of the Developer Membership Board meeting 2013-09-09

Stefano Rivera stefanor at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 23 15:09:01 UTC 2013

== 2013-09-09 ==

 * Chair: tumbleweed
 * Present: micahg, ScottK, barry, stgraber
 * Log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-09-09-19.03.log.html

=== Review Previous Action Items ===

 * Nothing to review. We've had some NOOP meetings recently.

=== Aron Xu core-dev application ===

 * Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AronXu/DeveloperApplication

 * ''Vote'': Grant Aron Xu core-dev rights? (not carried)
 * Motion not carried (For/Against/Abstained: 0/3/2)
 * ''Vote'': Grant Aron Xu membership of ubuntukylin-dev (carried)
 * Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained: 5/0/0)

We welcome Aron as the first member of ubuntukylin-dev, and hope to see
him reapply for core-dev in the future.

=== AOB ===

 * None


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 461 1230 C: +27 72 419 8559
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