Ubuntu Manual: Call for contributors

John c7p.admin at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 20:07:22 UTC 2013

The Ubuntu Manual Project is preparing for the 13.04 series.

If you haven't heard about our project, it focuses in creating a 
comprehensive beginners manual for the Ubuntu operating system. The 
manual is written under an open source license and branded as "Getting 
Started with Ubuntu".

The Ubuntu Manual is accessible via:

  * Official website: http://ubuntu-manual.org
  * Ubuntu Software Center
  * Lulu.com, in printed version

We have a firm base of contributors (authors, editors, translators) and 
we want more people to work with us, to make the next manual awesome!

The sections and chapters that are available for authors to write are:

  * "Ubuntu Desktop" chapter
      o The Dash/Search Bar/browsing files
  * "Working with Ubuntu" chapter
      o Viewing and editing photos
      o Reading and composing mail
      o Browsing the web
      o Microblogging
      o Burning CDs and DVDs
      o Working with LibreOffice
  * "Troubleshooting" chapter
  * "Learning More" chapter

People who are interested can check the following page, and drop us a 
mail if they want more information or want to apply: 

For those who want to ask questions, get involved, or are just curious, 
I strongly recommend them to subscribe to our mailing list and share 
their thoughts with us: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual 

"Getting started with Ubuntu 13.04? is scheduled to be released late 
April. Hoping to release the manual along with the Ubuntu release !

Thank you for your time !

--John Xygonakis

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