Full Circle #72

Ronnie Tucker ronnie at ronnietucker.co.uk
Fri Apr 26 20:21:21 UTC 2013

*Full Circle*
Issue #72

Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community
are proud to announce the release of our seventy second issue, and our
sixth birthday!

*This month:*
* Ubuntu News.
* How-To : Programming in Python, LibreOffice, and Network Settings.
* Graphics : Blender, and Inkscape.
* Book Review: The Book of GIMP.
* Review: SolydXK
plus: Q&A, Command & Conquer, Linux Labs, Ask The New Guy, My Story,
and soooo much more!

*Get it while it's hot!*
now with 'Send to Ubuntu One' delivery!

*Google Currents Edition:*

Also available via *Issuu*:


*All the best!*
*Ronnie Tucker*

*Web:* RonnieTucker.co.uk <http://ronnietucker.co.uk>
*Email:* ronnie at ronnietucker.co.uk

*Google+:* gplus.to/ronnietucker
*Facebook:* facebook.com/pet.wildlife.and.people.portraits<http://www.facebook.com/pet.wildlife.and.people.portraits>

*Official Ubuntu Member*
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