Results for the 1200 UTC Regional Membership Board Meeting, Wednesday the 27th of June 2012

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Wed Jun 27 13:39:27 UTC 2012

Hello everyone,

At the 27/06/2012 1200 UTC Membership meeting we welcomed 3 new
Members to official Ubuntu Membership!

Joel Addison |
Joel is a software engineering student from Brisbane, Australia. His
contributions to date have mainly centred around the Ubuntu-AU LoCo as
well as localisation activities. Joel assists the LoCo by chairing
meetings and administering the social media accounts. He has
translated approximately 50 000 strings on Launchpad and has also run
some Ubuntu Global Jams online for the LoCo.

James Henstridge |
James has been using and working on Ubuntu since 2004. He currently
work on Ubuntu One for Canonical as well as previously contributing to
the Launchpad development team. James has also made contributions to and and is also starting to work on
answering questions on Ask Ubuntu. James has also given talks on his
work with Ubuntu One to the local Linux community in Perth, Australia.

Mohamed Alaa |
Mohamed is a 13 year old python programmer from Egypt. Mohamed has
made contributions to translation efforts and bug triaging. Mohamed
has been involved with his LoCo by providing IRC and social media
support to local users. He is currently working on a Python project
named indicator-prayer-times which he is hoping to get into the
Universe in the near future.

Congratulations to all the new members!

Jared Norris, On behalf of the 1200 UTC Membership Board

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