Edubuntu Council Elections

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at
Tue Nov 22 11:37:52 UTC 2011

I re-read this e-mail 3 times to make sure that I got eveything right
and the *moment* I hit sent I realised that I have forgotten one small

Please submit your nominations by 3 December at the latest. The poll
will be set up the next week.



On 11-11-22 01:34 PM, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) wrote:
> Dear Edubuntu Users and Developers
> The Edubuntu Council[1] is up for re-election[2]. If you'd like to
> nominate an Edubuntu Member[3] for the Council, please confirm with the
> person that he or she is willing to stand and then post the nomination
> to either myself[4] or to the Edubuntu Developers[5] list. The newly
> elected council term is for 2 years.
> Our pool of Edubuntu Members is still very small. If you're currently on
> the council, then we hope that you'll be available to stand for another
> term. If you've contributed in the past, then perhaps it's time you
> apply for membership[6] :)
> Have a nice day!
> -Jonathan, on behalf of the Edubuntu Council
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4] mailto:jonathan at
> [5]
> [6]

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