Xubuntu Community Meeting on Monday, May 23, 2011

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Tue May 24 13:46:43 UTC 2011

== 2011-05-23 Meeting Minutes ==

=== Old Business ===

 * email the ML with proposed meeting days and times, Mon, Thurs, Fri
   only for days - done
 * knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss
   marketing - carried forward/after natty releases
 * Charlie as Project Lead will draw up a proposal to be added to the
   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument for choosing a new
   Project Lead by community vote

=== Team updates ===

==== Packaging & Development ====

 * GTK2 will be used for Oneiric Ocelot. If possible, GTK3 will not be
   on the Xubuntu cd.
 * Xfce 4.8.2 will be included in Oneiric Ocelot.

==== Bug Triage & Testing ====

 * Alpha1 testing will begin on 2011-05-31.
  * Soupermanito, beardygnome will assist in testing the Oneiric Ocelot
   * drc will begin daily installation testing of the images for alpha1.

==== Website & Marketing ====

 * Canonical RT set up the staging site for wordpress. Unfortunately,
   this can not be used by the Xubuntu Team to test wordpress as a
  * knome and pleia2 will work together to set up a test site for
 * Suggestion from ochosi - it would be great if the first page would
   show the slideshow that is shown during installation.

==== Artwork ====

 * Artwork this cycle will be mainly improving greybird and the
 * Our artwork team [[ http://wiki.knome.fi/shimmer:greybird | goals]]

==== Documentation ====

 * We need someone that can go through the wiki documentation and
   update it.

=== Announcements ===

 * Xubuntu roadmap for Oneiric Ocelot is at
 * The calendar/schedule for Oneiric is at
 * LightDM will replace GDM in Oneiric Ocelot

=== Any Other Business ===

 * Next meeting is in one week, May 30, #xubuntu-devel, at 19:00 UTC.
 * Meeting logs are available at:
 * A request was made to try and hold meetings on Tuesdays.

=== Action items for the 2011-05-23 meeting ===

 * Email the Mailing Lists about meeting on alternate days weekly.
  * Possibility to hold at least one meeting per month on Tuesday.
 * Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU

=== Carried Forward ===

Please see the previous logs at

==== Xubuntu Governance ====

 * The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at
   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu%20Governance%20&%20Team Structure
 * The Xubuntu project will advance towards a Council-based governance
  * NOTE: This will require approval of the Ubuntu Community Council.

Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           [http://keepingdreams.com]

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