Xubuntu Community Meeting 2011-03-03

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Fri Mar 4 19:11:28 UTC 2011

The regular weekly Xubuntu Community Meeting was held and the minutes
are below. For full logs, please see

= 2011-03-03 Meeting Minutes =

== Old Business ==

 * Xubuntu marketing plans - carried forward
 * ochosi and knome will put together some logo designs to be discussed
   as the menu icon - carried forward
  * cutoff is March 10
  * PsynoKhi0 will do a couple of logos for consideration
 * ask knome to do some drafts with a grey background and a black
   background - carried forward
 * knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss
   marketing - carried forward
 * we need someone to update the slideshows displayed during the
   installation, they are badly outdated (they were made for karmic or
   lucid) - Done
 * add xfce4-indicator-plugin to panel - done
 * put workspace switcher back in the current configuration for natty -
   carried forward 
== Team updates ==

=== Packaging & Development ===

 * Updated xubuntu-default-settings/xubuntu-meta for the changes
   decided last meeting.
 * Fixed xfce4-indicator-plugin to support changing volume on scroll
   events with indicator-sound.
 * Uploaded update-manager patch from last week (Bug #530161).
  * Launchpad bug 530161 in update-manager "Restart is not supported if
   not using gnome session manager (affects XFCE &
   LXDE)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/530161 === Bug
   Triage & Testing ===

 * update-manager crashing on first update after installing
  * mvo has fixed the u-m issue in bzr
 * we did test the ISO images for Natty Alpha3
 * We need some testers and a new testing lead, if anyone is interested

=== Website & Marketing ===

 * Suggestion from ochosi - it would be great if the first page would
   show the slideshow that is shown during installation.

=== Artwork ===

 * The new themes and layouts are now in alpha3. Greybird is a really
   neat theme!
 * Wallpaper is to be considered next meeting
  * photos will be considered, as they as they meet the specs
  * The upload site is http://www.flickr.com/groups/uawt-7/

== Announcements ==

 * Natty Narwhal Alpha3 released 2011-03-03!

== Any Other Business ==

 * Next meeting is in one week, March 10, #ubuntu-meeting, at 19:00 UTC.
  * proposal we take up the strategy document starting in three weeks, a
   bit at a time, the meeting of March 10.
 * A short discussion about where Xubuntu fits into the Linux Operating
   Systems was held. A suggestion to consider customisability for
   marketing was made.

== Action items for the 2011-3-03 meeting ==

 * No action items

== Carried Forward ==

Please see the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Xubuntu_2010-01-10
| previous log]]

=== Xubuntu Governance ===

 * The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at
   [[Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu Governance & Team Structure]]
 * The Xubuntu project will advance towards a Council-based governance

=== The Xubuntu Council ===

 * The Council size should be 5 members, with one of them being the PL.
 * PL will have a vote in every voting in the Council, not just as a
 * The 4 members in the Council in addition to the PL should be
   selected by the existing Xubuntu Contributors.
 * The appropriate Team Lead can be the tiebreaker in a vote, but only
   if PL is absent.
 * The council should *aim* to have balanced membership across the
   different aspects/teams of Xubuntu.
 * The council should be named/selected after every LTS release. Thus,
   every season lasts for 2 years.

Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           [http://keepingdreams.com]

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