Community Council Meeting Minutes 2011/02/15

Alan Pope alan at
Tue Feb 15 12:25:46 UTC 2011

Community Council Meeting Minutes 2011/02/15

== Attendees ==

 * Chair: Daniel Holbach
 * Present: Alan Pope, Emmet Hikory
 * Apologies: Mark Shuttleworth, Matthew East, Mike Basinger, Benjamin
Mako Hill, Elizabeth Krumbach

== Notes ==

 * Action review. Carried over items:
  * Action: dholbach - Get update from IS regarding mailing wiki
contributors (RT:16526)
  * Action: dholbach - Ping CC to re-read "Doubt about the CoC" thread
and come up with possible solutions (Bug:689893)

 * Wiki 500 errors (Bug:668530)
  * Action: popey - Chase parties involved to update bug and/or RT.

 * Community Council meetings (or lack thereof)
  * Action: All - Rotate chair for CC meetings, chair to update wiki
and post meeting reminders and minutes to CC and Ubuntu News lists.
  * Action: All - Encourage users to bring issues to the IRC meetings
to discuss openly

 * Other items

 * Next chair: (Volunteer required)
 * Next meeting: 2011/03/01 21:00 UTC

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