Xubuntu Community Meeting 2011-02-03 minutes
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Thu Feb 3 22:22:32 UTC 2011
Hash: SHA1
= 2011-02-03 Meeting Minutes =
== Old Business ==
* Old business - all
* Xubuntu marketing plans - carried forward
* We need to start webpage item for marketing
== Team updates ==
=== Packaging & Development ===
* Xfce4.8.1 has a few package updates. all the 4.8.1 packages are
mainly bug fixes.
* We do not have an official PPA for Xfce4.8 to add it to Xubuntu
10.10 or 10.04. The individual ppa's available are unofficial by
people not associated with Xubuntu or Xfce
=== Bug Triage & Testing ===
* We have kept the number of new bugs level this week.
* Testing of the Natty Alpha2 images went great!
* Thanks to knome and j1mc for helping with it
* thunderbird-locales in lucid-proposed passed verification,
maverick-proposed still needs testing
* Firefox 3.6.14 (Hardy-Maverick) and Thunderbird 3.1.8 (Lucid and
Maverick) are available here for testing:
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa, they'll
be released next week when Mozilla releases if there are no issues
=== Website & Marketing ===
* Suggestion from ochosi - it would be great if the first page would
show the slideshow that is shown during installation.
=== Artwork ===
* The proposed generic icons for default apps in xubuntu are now being
* An incomplete icon list is
http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:generic_app_icons , inputs are welcome.
* Some of the icons in Elementary have been taken from Humanity,
mostly copied over.. and if just copied over, they should be
attributed ;)
* we now a a list of what is happening with gmusicbrowser at
== Updates for Xubuntu 10.04.2 ==
* We will be testing the images for 10.04.2 February 15
* We have documentation that is actually for 10.04
== Discuss default applications to be used in Natty ==
* gmusicbrowser will replace exaile
* Grab the gmusicbrowser from the ppa for testing. It is greatly
improved over the repositories
* https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ppa
* does shimmer gmb theme work on small screens now?
* firefox will remain the default browser
* thunderbird will remoain the default mail client
* still to be decided - lightdm to replace gdm
== Announcements ==
* Natty Narwhal Alpha2 will release today
== Any Other Business ==
* Next meeting is in one week, Frebruary 10, #ubuntu-meeting, at 19:00
| Meeting log]]
== Action items for the 2011-02-03 meeting ==
* thunderbird-locales needs testing in lucid-proposed
* Launchpad bug 705028 in thunderbird-locales (Ubuntu Natty) "Update
Thunderbird translations to 3.1.7" [Wishlist,Triaged]
* discussion about generic icons to replace existing brand icons needs
to be on ML
- --
Charlie Kravetz
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914 [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM. [http://keepingdreams.com]
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