Winning countdown banners chosen

Leandro Gómez leo.telsen at
Fri Apr 8 18:18:59 UTC 2011

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Matthew Nuzum
<matthew.nuzum at>wrote:

> I'm excited to say that the winning countdown banners have been chosen and
> published to the website. There were many superb entries and it was hard to
> agree on which should be selected. I'd like to thank Riku, Takashtuka and
> Dave for contributing the artwork that made the final cut.
The sea/water in option 1 is not aligned with the border? Maybe you want to
fix that?

Congrats to the winners!!

> You can see the winning designs at
> Help spread the word about Ubuntu by adding the image to your blog or
> website or by telling your friends about the banners. If you've already put
> the banner on your website you should notice that it updated to the latest
> version automatically.
> --
> Matthew Nuzum
> newz2000 on freenode, skype, linkedin and twitter
> "My aim has always been to get to the truth rather than to support some
> position. And in criticizing others, I have always tried to understand what
> their
> position was and not to misrepresent it. I have never been interested in
> cheap
> victories." -Ronald Coase
> --
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