Ubuntistas: Greek community magazine

Giorgos Logiotatidis seadog at sealabs.net
Thu Jul 29 10:27:18 BST 2010

Hello all,
I would like to inform you about ubuntistas, the magazine of the Greek
LoCo. It's a (almost) bi-monthly, electronic only Ubuntu and FLOSS
related magazine with great success! The magazine includes interviews,
tutorials and news of high quality. The magazine is organized through
our forums and it's totally community generated -both content and
artwork-. We magazine is active for 2 years (8 issues). The content is
in Greek so unfortunately non-greek speakers cannot enjoy it.

You can find all the issues at http://ubuntistas.ubuntu-gr.org/ and here
is a direct link to the latest copy

We are very proud for our magazine and we would love a post in the UWN
to spread the word and inspire other LoCos and FLOSS teams to start
similar initiatives.



Giorgos Logiotatidis

I support "I want my camera back"!
visit http://www.iwantmycameraback.com

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